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Monday, July 08, 2024


So, this morning, I was channel surfing - waiting for a commercial to end on the channel I was watching ... yeah, I hate most commercials too .. when I stopped by The Morning Joe (MSNBC) ....
Not one of my usual shows, but I decided to stop and listen ...
President Biden was being broadcast on what sounded like a pre-recorded speech ... it didn't seem as if the hosts of the show were doing anything but listening.
Even though the scroll on the bottom said "Biden on phone" and "Biden Calls Into Morning Joe" ... it had a reverb ...
I'm telling you - I've had speakerphone calls before, and this didn't sound like that at all.
This had a type of echo to it - like someone had recorded him at a rally/campaign stop and were then playing it over a phone.
But - low and behold - according to Outnumbered (FNC) it REALLY WAS HIM!!!
They put up a transcript on their placard so here it is .... 
"I'm more than the presumptive, I'm going to be the democrat nominee .... The bottom line here is that we're not going anywhere. I am not going anywhere.  I wouldn't be running if I didn't absolutely believe that I am the best candidate to beat Donald Trump in 2024."President Joe Biden, "Morning Joe"/MSNBC
Now there was more to this call ...
"I'm getting so frustrated by the elite, now I'm not talking about you guys, by the elites in the party.  They know so much more if any of these guys don't think I should run, run against me.  Go ahead.  Announce for president -- challenge me at the onvention!" President Joe Biden, "Morning Joe"/MSNBC
It was this second part where I came in .... I was pretty sure it was a recording, mostly because it was between 9-10am in DC - I would have thought he was busy doing stuff, not having enough time to call a cable show - you know, Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Hammas, Israel/Hasbulla (this is the way Siri said it's spelled, but I swore there's supposed to be a "z" in there) ... etc. 
I'm not so sure he knows what he's asking for - he might find he has an unexpected fight on his hands ...
Why do I say that?
Because there is a LOT of talk going around - especially on MSNBC about running HARRIS as President!
It almost seems as if this were planned all along by her!
This smacks so much of "The West Wing", the one where it turns out that the V.P. was the one who let news of President Bartlet slip out into the news cycle ...
Kind of like what happened here ....
I'm just saying ...

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