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Monday, July 08, 2024


Anyone born in the 60's will recognize that headline .... it's from when the Watergate Hearings began - and the Congress, as a whole, were going after former President Nixon ....
The only one who used the letter "x" in his name, btw.

But we have learned several more things today as well about the Biden administration, and about how much is being HIDDEN from the public ...

Now remember that the Democrats have always said they are the most "transparent" party out there - that they won't hide things the way the Republicans do .... from their point of view ...

But on Outnumbered (FNC) today - they ran clips from MSNBC's morning show from this morning, where Biden himself, called in and made some statements ....
One of which Im pretty sure he's going to get in T-R-O-U-B-L-E about.
But let's take this in the order in which they were presented on the show .... oh, if you like tittle-tattle, you are going to LOVE this!!!

Former House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy telecasted into the show and he said:
"... and you've seen Jill out there - she's a hard campaigner, I will tell you why it's why I know they are going to stay in this race - Jill doesn't want to leave either.  Many time when we had mettings in the Oval Office, Jill was there as well."
I added the bold test, he was just talking normally - but these points stuck out so blatantly to me, that I had to call them to your attention.

Who voted for JILL BIDEN She has NO BUSINESS being in those meetings, any more than Hillary Clinton had being in the committee meetings when Congress was first looking at the Health Care issue in the 1990's!!!!!!

As far as we know, she does NOT have the CLEARANCE to be sitting in on those meetings!
And who knew abut this??
Apparently EVERYBODY who were in those meetings!!  Including McCarthy - who said NOTHING .... until now!

I'm kinda mad -- can you tell???

I can only see 3 First Ladies doing such a thing:
Nancy Reagan, but only during the 2nd term when Ronald was starting to show some signs ... remember the clip from their ranch? She got FLAMBED for telling Ronald what to say under her breath.
Then there was Hillary Clinton, who felt she had the right to make policy when her husband was in charge - the health care issue was her "baby" and she felt she had every right to sit in on all the discussions about it.  Had she stayed out of it, chances are the whole mess likely would have been cleaned up a bit last century!
And not Jill Biden - oh, excusr me ... Dr. Jill Biden - you can't forget that doctorate, she won't let you.  I used to watch a series called "Army Wives", and when Joe was running as V.P. she was a guest on the show .... and she made sure they introduced her as Dr. Jill Biden - but they never said what the doctorate was in, so it was assumed by many that she was a pediatrician. No one ever said that the degree was in Education ... 

Any ways ... then we learned that there had been 8 visits to the WHite House, in 8 months by a nationally known expert on Parkinson's Disease ...
Look - I'm not saying he couldn't be president if he did have Parkinson's - in fact, it has little to do with cognitive ability for the most part, but it's the fact that the White House has been asked, point blank, no holds barred, if Biden had been eveluated for anything and they were told No ... over ... and over again!

There was a placard on Outnumbered, however, I didn't get to the show fat enough and it was cancelled out of my DVR before I could write it down.

And I hate to do it this way (I will see if I can find it on YouTube and embed it in as well) ... but the basic jest of it is that Biden said that he DID get looked at, both before & after the debate to make sure nothing was going awry.
He says they didn't find anything ... he also did not go into any details of how he was examined.

Earlier, last year or early this year, there was a story going around that Presidents, ever since Ronald Reagan's issues, are subject to a simple memory test at a moments notice ...

they simply have to recite the American alphabet - not sing it, SAY it ...
And in all this time, Biden was the ONLY President to have failed!

Now I don't remember where I learned of this report ... nor do I remember the date of the report ... I do know I have mentioned it before.
It may have just been properganda .. but knowing what we do now about Biden - it could actually be true.

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