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Tuesday, July 09, 2024


Okay - So I am watching 5Eyewitness News Midday (KSTP-TV, ABC) ... that's a mothful! ... and they are doing a story on a couple of local stores ...

Well, the story is about how they are changing payment options ... one adding a couple and one totally cutting another.

First, Hy-Vee .... they are now accepting both PayPal and/or Vemo (I think that's it) but only for orders placed online for either pick=up or delivery ... but it should help with a lot of people ... I have no idea of what they used to accept, I dont't use them, but my daughter does - they have a large Gluten Free section.

The other store is Target .... I love Target - used to buy most of my clothes there in college, and I still pop in once in a great while with my daughter to see if they have any dried beans (they didn't the last trip though)
They are going to stop accepting CHECKS!!

Out of state checks I can understand - but ALL checks?? Really?

I have an issue with this - see, the best thing about checks is that banks (generally) don't charge you for writing a check .... its a document acceptable in court ... you don't have to worry about someone "scanning" in your information by just walking by (like you have to with credit cards) ...

And you don't have to pay INTEREST on each payment - the only thing is ... you've gotta have the money BEFORE that check gets written.

I'm pretty sure that this is a way to get people to spend MORE ...
You see, if you are just going to make payments to a credit card it is much easier to just buy something you want, instead of sticking to things you actually need.

Trust me - it is very easy to get above your eyeballs, if not your head, by using that credit card to buy food, gas, clothes, entertainment, bills, etc. etc. 


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