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Tuesday, July 09, 2024


So I'm watching Special Report (FNC) and they brought up some CHANGES which are being made BEFORE the Republican National Convention ....
Reportably, these changes are being made by DONALD TRUMP, himself - not by the party as a whole ...

I'm not su sure I'm very comfortable with all of it ...
But here's what has been learned so far ...

The language about ABORTION has been dramatically changed!  The first time in 40 years .... yup, that means 1984, under President Ronald Reagan ... for the first time since then - there will is NO MENTION of a national ban on abortion ...

You read that correctly ... NO NATIONAL BAN ON ABORTION

Which kind of makes sense, since in the debate he clearly said he believes that it is a STATES ISSUE and not a federal one.
Let's not get me going on this one ... 

They also said that some Pro-Life groups are changing how they are going to approach the subject ... they are going to "profile" women who had "difficult" pregnancies but they carried their baby's to full term ...
I'm going to guess they are not talking those who had an ect0pical pregnancy - I think that's what it's called - where the egg impants itself OUTSIDE of the womb or too close to the tube's entrance into the womb.  It does not mean near the cervix of the womb - those births generally go fine ... but the other regions can cause permant damage to the mother, and even DEATH.

I have had a sister-in-law who had one, they actually had to remove that ovary for some reason as well - to terminate the pregnancy they had to hospitalize her in the 80's ... and do an OPERATION ... so I'm not sure exactly where the egg had attached, but I know that she was very nervous after that every time she had "cramps" before her period started.

Then there's a closer family member - not saying who - but she was what is called a "geriatric pregnancy" which simply means she's was over the age of 30 and this was her first pregnancy.
She also had a "tubular pregnancy" - she had to undergo a fairly radical abortion .... basically, it was chemotherapy ... and then recover fully until she could try again - it has taken nearly a year for her to get clearance.  And it sounds as if this is the STANDARD TREATMENT for this type of pregnancy these days.
So - yeah, it's not simply a trip down to Planned Parenthood - it's a pretty big financial hit, too.

Okay, TMI - back to Mr. Trump ...

He is distancing himself - and anyone on his team - from Project 25 ...
Never heard of it?
Neither had I ...
It was drafted by The Heritage Foundation ... a "think tank", which is just fancy talk for a bunch of people with nothing better to do than to fix what's working but leave what's not ...

Project 25 is meant to REHAUL the Federal government ... most of us call that an "over-throw" but maybe it's just senantics ... 
It would fire OVER 50,000 employees - I have a feeling most of those will be from the Department of Education - and expanding Presidental Powers.

Okay - I can totally see WHY he's distancing himself ...
You can not win jack if you are going to threaten jobs and not say where the jobs are coming from ... and, yes, there is a LOT of redundancy in DC, sometimes it's necessary, but most of the time it's not - but which ones do you chose?
Then there's the whole "empty building" syndrome going on since the Stay At Home order was put out in 2020, and NO ONE has been too anxious to bring going into an office ... let's face it - if I could do my job in my pj's, I would .... oh wait, technically, I can ... I'm what my mother used to call a "Domestic Engineer" ... Dad called it "Chief Cook & Bottle Washer" ... but he didn't want her job, she had to deal with 6 boys and me - she said I kept her running more than the boys ever did.

Oops ... off topic.

Trump is already getting attacked on this whole "Project 25" thing ... but I'm not so sure he's as behind it as people say he is.
I think he likes SOME parts of it, but HATES others, and likely DISAGREES with most of it ...
Like any of us might do.

Then there's his Vice Presidential pick ... well he had it narrowed down to just 5 a couple weeks ago, but now the number has RISEN again ... this time to 8 ...

He has said - always did say - that he was not going to announce who he choses UNTIL the CONVENTION, after he gets the official NOMINATION ...
Which might make you worry - oh no, he's going to chose someone which is too radical! - but, you have to remember ...


And just like P.T. Barnum ... he knows how to draw a crowd.
"This way to the Egress"

The 8 on his list? In alphabetical order, so as not to lead anyone astray:
    BURGUM, Gov. of North Dakota, self-made millionaire
    CARSON, Formor HUD chairman, a retired Neurosurgeon, and an educator (he taught in his field)
    COTTON, the only thing I could find out about him is that he is a former military officer (you are never "former" military though but that's a different post), and a politican from Arkansas (oh gawd, that's Clintonville!)
    DONALDS, I have no idea who this guy is, it's not clicking
    RUBIO, Senator from Florida, favorite target of Trump during 2016 election (kids and I used to play "Marco, RUbio" in stores at the time, very much like "Marco, Polo" only we changed the last name)
    SCOTT, Senator from South Carolina, he has been a top spokesman for Trump during this campaign, and work as a financier before becoming a politcan.
   STEFANIK, interestingly if you ask Siri WHO she is, it will SPELL her name out for you, as if that's all there is to her.  Stefanik represents the 21st district of New York (Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Jefferson, Lewis, St. Lawrence, Warren, Washington COUNTIES ... that's a lot of area .. 
    VANCE, he is the senator from Ohio ... aka Amish Land ... but really there isn't a lot on him at all.

So - we can see its quite a selectio ... I left out their ethnicity/race and gender/sex, becuase to me - it doesn't really matter.

They are also saying the new platform mentions "Mass Deputations" of ILlegals from the country - which would be interesting to see how much (a)this will cost, and (b)how many they are going to be able to find!
We aren't just talking Latinos and Hispancis here either - they come from ALL over the globe ...
And they know how to work the system too, in order to stay ...
It's quite shocking, actually.

He is also going to rule out cuts to SOCIAL SECURITY ... yup, bet you hadn't heard about this one yet!
Biden is going to CUT SOCIAL SECURITY to ALL Americans, because it will "make it last longer" ... but senior citizens - and I've seen this FIRST HAND - will be the ones who suffer.
They count on that money for FOOD ... for CLOTHES ... for MEDICAL EXPENSES ... but biggest of all, for A ROOF OVER THEIR HEAD!!
We are talking people who have lived in their homes for 30, 40, 50 years, some even more - who will LOSE their home if they can't pay their property taxes ... and cities across this nation are RAISING the Property Tax to levels where it's nearly impossible to keep a home.
Many seniors, like those where I live, have HAD TO re-mortgage their homes in order to LIVE - and we are talking fairly simple life styles ... 

But you will NEVER hear this on any other the MAJOR alphabet soup News Networks because it makes things look really, really bad .... especially for the political party they are backing.

Now - Medicare & Social Securiy have taken a big hit over the past several decades .... some because of the migrants, but more so because of SSI, benefits for people who should work but say they can't ... I could say more - afbut that will take me way off topic.

They will be talking about keeping Men out of Womens sports ... trangender issues will be spoken about, but this will be the one they focus on the most.

Kind of interesting, since it will be happening JUST BEFORE the Olympics start in Paris! about 10 days before the opening ceremonies, actually - the Convention runs from July 15-18, where as the Olympics open on July 26, 2024.

It's going to be interesting .... to say the least.

And no - trangenders are NOT allowed to participate in the Olympic games IF they are going to play in their "identified gender" sport, instead of their "biological gender" sport.
In other words, if you were born female, you can not play on a male team, and if you were born male you cannot play on a female team.

Convince the Olympics, and all the radical countries which also play the sport - and we can talk about it.

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