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Friday, July 12, 2024


UPDATE: I made a mistake - shhhh, don't tell my husband - this is what happens when you listen to the news and type at the same time [eye roll] .... I did NOT mean "DeSantis" I meant "Newsom" ... I corrected it once, but any other references, which I may have missed, are supposed to be Newsom.

Could it be, that Joe Biden is having issues because someone is setting him up?

Not so much to lose, but rather to not be nominated?

Remember - the ONLY person who would "inherit" the "War Chest" of donations from Biden's campaign will be ...


My understanding is, once ALL the bills/debts of the Biden campaign is paid off - any monies left over has to go into some sort of a PAC, which can be used by the DNC, and ONLY by the DNC for running ads, but they can NOT give it to anyone else's campaign. 

So, if they decide to run DeSantis (UGH, Error) Newsome he's one of the ones mentioned - they can NOT give him ANY of that money ... he would have to start FROM SCRATCH.

HOWEVER, there is a single EXCEPTION ... and that has to do with the TICKET.

Since the current ticket lists both Biden AND Harris, they cannot sever them from each other .... therefore, the War Chest belongs to BOTH OF THEM.

Yup -- BOTH of them can get the benefit.

I'm going to GUESS ... and I am no expert ... by any means ... but I'm going to guess that the ORIGINAL PLAN was that after Hunter's "plea deal" went through, Biden was going to say "I'm not running again" kind of in that LBJ fashion ...

But when Hunter's deal got THROWN OUT ... and the second court case came up, the plan had to change.

I think they figured Hunter was going to get off the Gun Charges because he was the son of the President of the United States.  But it DIDN'T go that way ...
He was found GUILTY .... only question left now is what his sentence will be.

Remember, he still has another trial to face ...

He still has a trial in California for TAX EVATION ... you know, that same thing they found Mr. Trump guilty of in New York ....
(there's talk that Trump's lawyers have put in to drop the case/reverse the verdict based on the Supreme Court decision)

But we will have to see what happens ...

I'm guessing .... just GUESSING .... that a NEW deal was reached.

That he would stay in power long enough to PARDON Hunter on as many of these charges as he can .... only thing is .... these aren't FEDERAL Tax issues, nor were they FEDERAL gun crimes.

All these seem to be on a State level ... which means the only ones who can "pardon" Hunter are the governor's from those states ...

And I can't see them doing that at this point ...

DeSantis had been "accused" of running a Shadow Campaign during the primary season - which he denied, a little too much I think.
Bu I cannot see them putting him up as a presidential prospect ... VP?  Maybe.

They have suddenly brought out some new polls, which show that Harris is more likely to beat Trump than Biden.


Wouldn't the better time to have taken these polls would have BEFORE the primary season???

I THINK Jill is the one pushing him to stay in ... she likes the POWER which comes with the office.
She doesn't need to worry about the money - Joe will get paid the same money he gets as President, it's one of the perks.
Health care? One of the perks they get to keep
Secret Service? Another perk that they keep ...

All these perks, plus many others, they get to keep FOR LIFE

Yes - Jimmy Carter still gets ALL of these things too.

Another indication to me that he was NOT planning of running again is the economy, to tell the truth ...
Usually, presidents seem to screw with the economy just enough to make people either go "poo poo" or "yippee" - whether they think they are going to win or not.

But those going for a second term, in general, will try to keep the economy in an EASY TO FIX condition, so it can be done close enough to Election Night so they look like a hero, but far enugh so people don't realize it ...
But, Joe - who wasn't expecting to run - pretty much blew it up!
And now he has to hurry up and try to fix it.

I do believe that the NEW plan was that Biden would be used to raise a HUGE War Chest ... and then he'd bow out and Harris would get it ....

Enter the Gun Verdict .... nope, he can't go any place ... he can NOT count of Harris to pardon Hunter of anything.

I'm thinking HARRIS needs to be put under the microscope, at this point.
Yeah she's the VP -- but no one is watching her .... she was named the "Border Czar" by Biden, but she didn't "do" anything ... let's not get started on that ... until just before he MidTerm elections ...

Don't listen to any of her speeches, unless you don't mind losing brain cells - because between her looping sectences and that laugh of hers (often described as a cackle) you WILL come out dumber than when you went in.

So now there's a NEW new plan .... Plan 3.0 (at least) ... Biden is going to run .... he hopes to win - I honestly think he feels he WILL win ... and after that, he will straighten things out for Hunter - hopefully there won't be any more trials - and then once thatt is done ... 
He will RESIGN 
Which will make Harris President ...

BUT ...

Unless the term is less than 1/2 of the presidential term - she will only be able to run ONCE more.

Which would mean, she would have to let Joe play President for 2 years, plus one day ... 
The question is - would she be able to win after Americans see Biden's bumbles for 2 more years?

I'm thinking NOT.

So - what do you think?

I mean Biden has been having issues for about 3 years now - but lately has he been totally out of sorts.

I thouight maybe all the traveling overseas had effected his medication schedule - 7am here is like 3pm in France ... and if they didn't figure out all these new times for taking his pills - yeah it can mess things up.

And it can take a bit for things to get back to normal.

Then he seemed to do okay for a bit - especially that first speech of the NATO gathering - then the next thing we knew it, he's suddenly having issues again.

Who has access to his medication?
Could they be on someone else's pay roll as well?

It might not kill the President, but it could mess with his mind quite a bit.

I truly hope I'm WRONG ....
But I have a feeling ....
I'm NOT.

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