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Saturday, July 13, 2024


Okay - so, I never thought I'd be making oa post on anything like this!

Trump was at the podium in Butler, Pennsylvania .... just up there speaking away - the subject was about ILlegal migration into the country ... when about 5-8 minutes in, there is the sound of "pop, pop, pop" ...

Trump can be seen shrugging and then slapping his hand to his ear, looking at blood on his head, and then hitting the dirt!
Well - it was kinda slow actually, remember he's not a spring chicken anymore ... but he got down.

The people standing behind him actually went down, at least a majority of them, before Trump got down.

They are CURRENTLY saying - at the time of typing this up - that the assassin is DEAD - taken out by Anti-Sniper team ...
But 1 spectator also DIED, and 2 other spectators are SERIOUSLY INJURED.

I'm going to guess that those numbers are going to change ...

I saw on BBC America, where an "eyewitness" said he and some of the other spectators on the top level of the stands SAW the shooter, and tried to get the police attention ...
Pointing to the guy on the ROOF of a BARN (the witness's words) - but thought that although the police looked up at the roof, appearently they couldn't see the shooter from where the officers were at because of the angle of the roof of the building.

The building where the assassin was, seems to be OUTSIDE the rally area - distances vary from 100-200 yards ... I have also heard that it was about 400 feet (just over 100 yards).

Donald Trump is currently at the hospital being checked out - they say his ear was pierced by the bullet ... to mean that means it didn't just graze it, but rather it went through the top of his ear.

Once Trump got up on the stage, he said he wanted his shoes - so I don't know what happened with his shoes (hubby seems to think they may have come off when he went down) ...
There is a report that Trump has already been releaed from the hospital ... 

Remember -- the Republican Convention begins on MONDAY in Milwaukee, Wisconsin ...

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