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Thursday, July 11, 2024


 This is from Special Report (FNC) from 01 July 2024 when the verdict came in, I have no idea why I'm so late getting this up ... oh wait, yes I do.
I traveled back to the "Lake House" from the Cities on July 1st .... then spent most of July 2nd alseep (I think I picked up a bug when I went to the dr's office last week)

Anyhow ... We're going to start with some clips of interviews from OTHER stations ... if I can figure it out, I will note the station and who said it - otherwise, I have no idea who/where these were said  - But Bret Braear is usually pretty good at making sure he gives credit where credit is due.

Alina Hubba, Trump Attorney on FNC (America's Newsroom)
"It is a good day when the Supreme Court recognizes constitutional rights of Presidents and the Executive branch."

Keisha Lance Bottoms, Biden Senior Advisor, MSNBC (Chris Jansing Report)
" The Supreme Court has certainly given him a lot of leeway to act on his worse impulses..." <<This was obviously clipped very tightly>>

Van Jones, Fmr. Obama Administration Official, CNN (CNN Newsroom Weekday)
"ah, they're supposed to be wearing these kind of black & white umpire jerseys <<surpressed laugh from him here>>, or whatever - they look like their wearing red jerseys from, uh, or even MAGA hats." <<I've got something to say on this one later>>

speaker not identified, MSNBC (Jose Diaz-Balart Reports)
"If you're a democrat, who's running to be President, your pathway now is clear - you have to run against the Supreme Court."

OKAY - Van jones ... how ignorant are you? Or maybe I just don't get your "humor" ... they wear BLACK ROBES - why? Because they are all EQUAL under the law.  They didn't do anything which hadn't already been done throughout the ages, other than doing it from the Bench instead from the White Halls of Congress.
It's called "Checks and balances" for a reason ... just because the Scales of Justice didn't tip the way you wanted them to, is no reason to insult ANYONE.

And to the unidentified speaker - I'm guessing you are probably the host, but since I rarely watch MSNBC, I cannot say for sure .... You have done more dog-whistling in your one small clip, than Trump did in any of his speeches this year.
You, sir, have basically called out to nutcases in your party to go after the 6 votes which sided with the POSITION of the President ... NOT with Mr. Trump.

Okay ... back to the show ...

The Washington Post, "In Win For Trump, Supreme Court Immunity Ruling Will Delay Trial, What's Next."
"The Supreme Court sent the case back to Trump's trial judge, U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, to determine which acts alleged in the indictment are official and which are not.  That creates the prospect of a mini-trial this summer or fall over allegations in Trump's indictment ... Chutkin's decisions will be appealable, making it highly unlikely, if not impossible, that the 45th president (sic) will go to trial ... before voters cast ballots in this year's presidential contest." <<I added the (sic) because I believe the title should have been capitalized, this was NOT a FNC thing>>

There was a quick reading, by one of the panelists not the host, of what Biden had said after Trump was convicted in NYC - basically, stop crying in you beer, what the court says goes - live with it .. Biden had not come out with any sort of statement as of the broadcast of this show, so I'm not going to put it in ... but it definately was NOT the same thing.

Okay - back tot he decision ... or rather one of the Dissents ... Soto-Mayor was quoted this way:
"When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority's reasoning, he will now be insultated from criminal prosecution.  Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune.  Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune.  Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune.  Immune, immune, immune."

Chief Justice Roberts, claimed that was all over reaction - and I have to agree.   We all know a Military Coup is, in fact, illegal - no matter what.  And we know that bribes are illegal for both the Giver and the Taker of said bribe.  And we know, or at least give them a bit of credit, that Seal Team 6 is NOT going to kill an American citizen without cause - such as being an enemy combatant.

<<This has me wondering, how ticked off do you think the other Seal teams are that #6 is the only one who gets any credit for EVERYONE'S work??>>

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