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Thursday, July 11, 2024


(drafted June 28, 2024)

Okay - so I've been flipping through the news programs this morning - CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, FNC, MSNBC, even FBN - and they all keep showing the same clip, but the length of the clip they show varies.

Its the "Gold Game" clip .... most of the stations are cutting off the last comment by Biden - because it makes him look ... rude &/or bad.
But it makes Trump actually look better because he says they should stop talking about such childish things ...

But the general feeling is that Biden did pretty bad ...
Almost immediately after the debate, stories started being told that Biden wasn't feeling well ... and he did seem to have a sore throat - it was hoarse ...

When you're President, you don't get to say "sorry, can't do my job today" especially when you've got crap going on all over the place.

CNN is sounding like they actually want a DIFFERENT candidate to come forth at the Convention ....

Kamala Harris came out after the debate trying to "fix" things -- yeah, because she's so good at her job ... that was SARCASM, btw.

I do think ... and have thought for a long time ... that Biden was NEVER going to actually be the candidate for the Dems ....
I hope it's not Harris either - I don't think anybody WANTS her in that position ....

There have been mumblings about Michelle Obama - the closest she has gotten to office was as First Lady, otherwise she has NO political background.
I've also heard mumblings of Oprah Winfrey, and she is more LIKELY to go for it ... although ... she's been making issues by buying up so much of the property in Hawaii very quickly after the big fire ... 

But you'll notice that both of these are WOMEN ....

The issue with Dems right now is that they are classifying their voters into groups .... Identity Politics .... which basically says if your in this group, you MUST think this way .... if your in that group, you MUST think that way.

Remember the "You're not Black enough" comment from Biden in 2020? 
That's the result of Identity Politics ...

Its based on STEREOTYPES ...

To THEM (Dems)::
ALL women want access to abortion & birth control (even nuns)
ALL Africsn-Americans/blacks want reparations and need "help" from the government
ALL latinos/hispanics support an open border
ALL business owners are evil and money grubbing
and it goes on and on

and all it does is make people wonder WHY they should even vote ,..

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