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Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Wow - I fell asleep early tonight ... by early, I mean before midnight ... I missed my Monday Night Live, totally forgot what time it was .... didn't remember until after it had finished ... bummer.

But - anyhow, off subject as usual ...

I woke up at about 2:30-ish in the morning .... and this piece of tripe was playing on my YouTube channel ...

So, apparently YouTube just jumped from a to b to c to whereever, until it dropped on to this CRAP.

Okay - I understand Jr. wanting to be on the debate ... poor baby grew up without the help of his grandpa, and his "father figure" was Teddy - oh there's a roll model ' but none of this was his fault, none of this can be blamed on him.

But - to do THIS is horrid and putting not just a f"thumb" on the scale - but he's actually STANDING on that scale!

Robert Kennedy, Jr.  is definitely his grandfather, Joe's grandson.

This was uploaded to YouTube 2 weeks ago - at least at the time of this post - BUT he does not have to follow the exact same rules.

He - unlike the other two - had an AUDIENCE (which wasn't allowed because Trump does much better with crowds than Biden does) .... 
And he has already heard the QUESTIONS ... so he has had time to prepare his answers!

And the "host" should be flambéed as well - he should never have set this up ... or allowed this to be set up as "The True Debate" ....

Mr Trump would have torn this man a new one ... or more likely 5 new ones ... RFK would be totally ashamed of this "debate".

Here's this misrepresentation ... from YouTube ... 
this is NOT my video ... at all
I have NOTHING to do with the content ... I only include it for information purposes.

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