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Sunday, August 04, 2024


I haven't posted in a bit because there's just so much to post .... about how stupid BOTH Trump and Harris are.

First - Trump .... OMG - he meant to say "it doesn't matter what race a person is" ... at least according to a campaign guy on Face the Nation  (CBS) this morning ... but what he actually said wa "Is she Black or is she Asian? I honestly didn't know she was black"

Um .... not even close to the same thing, thank you ....
And you know damned well, he knew she was black, although he may not have realized she was Asian also.  
But ... still ... really?????

Please promise me that if he wins ... they will take away his social media access!

Then there's Miss Word Salad herself .... big sigh ... did you hear her answer on the tarmack when the American "hostages" - because that's basically what they were, just hiding in plain sight in the Russian penal system -  came home?

If there is any way to make a knot within a sentence of the words, she can do it.
Although she was trained by the Mishmash Master himself, Joe Biden ...

Who on the tarmack seemed to think that he only has 90 more days in office ... 
NO JOE - You don't get to quit on Election Day, or the day after!!
You get to stay in the role as President until the 3rd Monday in JANUARY of next year! Geez! Up this man's medication, guys

She got into a tangle about "diplomacy" .... um, I think she was trying to say Biden was very good at diplomancy .... but she just kept circling back to the word "diplomacy" ....
Yup - got it the first time, lady.

Have you ever read a dictionary on a word and the only way they define the word is by using the word to define itself??
That's what Harris reminds me of.

So .... it doesn't matter which one you vote for this year ....

Neither one can express ttehmselves properly ... and both need to send 

We're doomed.

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