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Monday, August 05, 2024


Okay, so I had to go into the Xfinity archives to find Sunday Aug.4, 2024's episode of This Week ... (ABC) because for some reason, my DVR hadn't recorded it this morning ....
Not sure why .... I have like 4 hours of space on there .... at least I'm supposed to.

But - out the gate .... George Stephanopolous (I have not any idea how to spell his name - from now on .... he's just GS) ... came out looking for a fight!
He's short .... but he's scrappy!

He was supposed to be interviewing Representative Byron Donalds (R-FL) ... but the question was loaded for bare .... 
    "Why is former President Trump questioning the vice-president's racial identity?"

That's like asking .... "whaen did you stop beating your wife?" ... there is NO WAY to answer this question!

And then when Rep. Donalds tried to answer it ... and it wasn't the best way, but there really isn't any way you could answer this question ....
He should have put GS on the spot right then instead of even trying ... but he tried to be a graceous "guest" .... a.k.a. Lamb to Slaughter ... and give it a go ...

Donalds said it was a "phony controversy" - that he didn't really care about it, and "most people don't", but then he said:
    "... if we want to be totally accurate, when Kamala Harris went into the United States Senate, it was AP (Associated Press) who said that she was the first Indian American United States senator.  It was actual'sly played up a lot when she came into the senate - now she's running nationally - oviously - the campaign has shifted, they're talking much more about her father's heritage, her black identity.  It doesn't really matter, the President mentioned it - he also talks about far more frequently is the fact that Kamala Harris is the person who created this massive inflation ..."
Wait - No she isn't ... BIDEN helped to create this inflation, she was just standing by his side - unless he knows something we don't know, about how this White House has actually been running for the last 4 years or so ... hmmm.
Back to the interview ... He finished his thought - going over talking points on economics, border issues, etc. all ending on the "Verge of World War 3" - when GS came back out swinging wildly!
    "And you just repeated the slur again."

wait - I didn't see any slur in his answer at all .... what I wrote is exactly what he said .... 
Has the definition of  slur changed???
I thought it was a durogatory term applied to a person or place which gives an unflattering picture ...
Such as "Frog" for French people (because they ear Frogs Legs, was the way it was explained to me)
or Pollacks for Polish people (I guess "Poles" is the proper term .... I'd rather you call me a Pollack than a Pole, thank you)
or the N-word -- but that is an obvious one.
I know that the term "Indian" when I was growing up meant a "Native American" but even they have changed this to something else.
Who can keep up ....
He ta;led about her "indian" heritage - because her mother IS from INDIA ... her father is from JAMACA ... so the term "African American" doesn't really fit either.

But WHERE was the slur???

Wait .... it getts even MORE confusing ....
GS continued - and he was not polite at all -
        "if it doesn't matter, why do you all keep questioning her identity? She's always identified as a black woman, she's bi-racial, she has a Jamacan father, and an Indian mother.  She's always identified as both.  Why are you questioning that?

I'm going to guess that PART of the answer is subconsciecely he "questions it" - although I don't think he does - because in the WORLD (not just in the US), whenever you fill out a form and there's a question about race you get a limited number of coices ...
Native American

At least in America ... I would always check "Other" and fill in "Human Race", and no one seemed to like that answer either.

But there is NO check mark for "biracial" anywhere .... except on the National Census.

But like Donalds says -- it doesn't really matter!!

Don'ds took GS's bait though and continued ...
    "Well George, first of all, this is something that is actually a conversation throughout social media right now, there are a lot of people trying to figure this out.  But again - that's a side issue, not the main issue.  The main issue ..."

Now GS gets very rude and INTERRUPTS his "guest" to chime in and accuse him, yet again ...
    "Sir, one second - you ... you just did it again!"


Where the H-E-Doubled Hockey Sticks is this SLUR he keeps talking about?????

GS continued to talk OVER his "guest" .... this is beyond rude, this is akin to walking out like Whoopie and Joy Behar did when Bill Reilly was on The View (ABC) way back when Barbara Walters was still on the show.... 
I would think his mother would have been very disappointed in how GS treated Donalds in this "interview"

Donalds cannot be heard as GS continued ...
`"Why do you contnue to question her racial identity?"
 Donalds basically came back and siad GS wasn't letting him talk ... and GS said he wanted him to "answer his question" ....

Where the heck was THIS George during the Biden interview????

Donalds had had enough ... he said
    "George, now that you're done yelling at me - let me answer. He talked about it on the stage yesterday, and that went on for, what, 2 minutes? He spent more than 35, 40 minutes going after her record - talking about how radical of a senator that she was, she was the most liberal senator in the United States, in the United States senate - that is a fact.  He talked about the job that she did as Vice-President of the United States, a job I will add, which has been a failure for the American people. "
And the Donalds, rather nonchalantly, went after GS ... but not quite as rude as GS ...
    "I know you guys like to glum on to things that he says in jest, or this which he says in a serious manner for about a minute or so, but what you do not cover is the litany of failures of Kamala Harris - that's what your not covering George"

Yup - true that!

Oh but George wasn't done yet ..... sigh .... George - WHAT SLUR DID THEY SAY??????

I BELIEVE Liberals don't understand the concept of SARCASM .... and I think it's really sad

This reminds me so much of when my son was 15 yrs old and we told him he wasn't allowed to talk to his girlfriend until he took out the walkbridge behind out house (it went over a trench and hubby was thinking of replacing it) ....
He took his dad's jest as a REAL thing, and proceeded to being tearing out the bridge.
Ruined the axil of the trailer hubby had just gotten for the ttractor when he tried to back up to get a running start up the hill ...
and yes - we not only had to fix the tariler axil, but also HAD to refix/replace the bridge because he had done damage to the orifinal bridge to the point where parts couldn't have simply been put back where they were.

But basically - Trump is living rent-free in GS's brain .... It's really quite sad.

What's even worse - George kept saying "If this doesn't really matter to the American people, then why do you keep repeating it, why does the former President keep repeating it ...

um .... George - YOU are the one who brought it up!!! No one else did .... and then you harped ... and harped on it.

Just tell us WHAT THE SLUR IS ... WAS .... IS ... just tell us!!!!!!

Don't worry - as Donalds was trying to get GS to move on, GS continued to talk over him and even accused him one last time of repeating the slurs once more - Donalds simply said the people would have to judge this for themselves.  OMG ...

So they went on to talk about other stuff like the J6 rioters (and let's get this straight, they were rioting) and how, as GS put it, Trump was going to Pardon them all ...
Donalds pointed out that what he actually said was that he was going to look at each case and then decide.

GS then read the question at the Black Journalist conference in Chicago - it's got a better name than that, but I don't remember it ... I just know that Harris Faulkner was on the dias, and she also got to question Donald Trump, and amazingly, her questions don't seem to be getting much coverage .... hmmm.

UPDATE: it was the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK JOURNALISTS (NABJ) in Chicago .... don't get me started on this one.

Anyways, George read the question, but, according to Donalds, he only read PART of Trump's answer - the part which made him look the worst.

GS said "no that's not what he said. He said 'if they were innocent I'd pardon them' but they were all convicted"

Donalds took him to task on this one - he told GS that he just changed the sound bite, that he ADDED "if they were innocent, then I would pardon them" ... and he's right - those 9 words make a HUGE difference!

Actually ... it's those two little letters .... IF ... those are the two biggest letters in the english language.

Wow - this "interview" was so lopsided and rude by the host of the show ....

It was very painful to see GS go down this rabbit hole ....

Who hurt you George??? Who Hurt you???

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