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Tuesday, August 06, 2024


Wow - let's restart this one .... I went off on a total tangent!

First - I aplogize .... Let's just hope he doesn't actually get in ....

Gov. Walz of Minnesota will be the running mate of Kamala Harris .... hang on, I'm gagging ....

This is a rather .... well ... bland.

If you think of a pie ... this would be a Mock Apple Pie - you might think there's something there, but it's really just a bunch of crackers.

I've got my opinions on Walz - which I am sure I will be sharing over the next several weeks ...  
Let's just say - Vance will have a LOT to work with IF they ever debate ....
Which I just can't see Walz doing ... at all ... unless he really has to.
he's .... well, I'll save it for a different post.

Mr. Trump .... Mr. Vance ... I direct you to GARAGE LOGIC on the internet, podcasts, and YouTube to find out what his is actually like, not what the MN Liberal media puts out there.

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