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Monday, August 19, 2024


Okay - I heard this lest week, but thought it was just a joke .... but it turns out it's actually a real thing!!

In Chicago, IL the emocratic Convention is going on this week ... as are FREE ABORTIONS AND VASECTOMIES ... honest!

I was watching Outnumbered (FNC) and they had a story on it .... now - opinions of laws aside .... it has NOTHING to do with this post ... 

I was raised to believe "You get what you paid for" .... so, if you pay nothing, does that mean they aren't going to warrentee the work??

Wait - it gets worse .... not only don't people have to actually pay for these OPERATIONS ... if removing a sliver can be seen as a medical procedure which cannot be done by preschool teachers, then, yes, these are both operations.

Not only are these people not paying for these things ....

but they are being done ON A BUS???

Yeah - Planned Parenthood has their portable clinic parked near the convention center, and giving these away.

Now, the understanding is - they are COMPLETELY BOOKED and no longer have room in the schedule for appointments this week.

But they are supposed to be handing out FREE HOTDOG vouchers now ... but it sounds as if you can't use the coupons until AFTER you actually have whatever you made the appointment for done.

I know men that have gotten "snipped" ... it's more than just that, btw ... and the RECOVERY TIME is about 2 weeks ... and then they have to TEST the semen afterwareds to be sure it ACTUALLY WORKED ....

Yup - you can get a vasectomy and STILL be able to get a woman pregnant - sometimes, the body simply heals itself.

Ok - here's my real issue ...

If you've ever been on a city bus - which I am imagining this is like, since PP is supposed to working on a "bare budget" I really don't think these are going to be top of the line "celebrity" buses ...

They are cramped, uncomforable, unsanitary, and there is no privacy (if it they have somehow set up "exam rooms" ... I would think they likely aren't much more than those in an RV ...
shiver just ran down my spine ...

Now, I'm going to assume they PARK for when they do the procedures.
It's all a sham and there actually aren't ANY procedures going on ....
What if they are actually just making APPOINTMENTS for these procedures?

I'm going to guess that at some point they are going to run into someone who isn't going to look very well on any aspect on this ...

Whether it's someone who wants it done NOW ... becauer they feel they either have to or whatever ... or some nut-job who feels it's his job to make some sort of "statement" which is likely to get people hurt ....

And with all the protests going on in Chicago right now .... I hope they are taking proper procautions.

Let's hope the week goes by without incidence.

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