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Thursday, August 15, 2024


Okay - I am really late on this .... I'm so sorry.

Okay - so despite all the fingerpointing going on towards Donald Trump for not agreeing to the ABC Presidential Debate ...

He had kind of a legit point - He said that he had ALREADY set it up with Biden .... BUT the Democrats had already shown that they had no issues switching horse's in midstream - so until she was the official nominee of the Democratic party, he COULD NOT agree to a debate.

However - once the DNC did their end run around the voters - remember she DID NOT RUN for the position as President, she didn't have to do ANY CHAMPAIGNING at all ....
I'm betting Hillary is really butt hurt right now ...
So ALL THAT didn't get done -- BUT they did an internet vote of DELEGATES ... you know, those insideers ... those backroom dealers .... the ones who caused chaos at the 1968 Convention ....
I will have to find a playlist of these videos ...
THEY chose her to be the nominee ...

The moment the DNC Insiders OFFICIALLY chose her - TRUMP said, okay, you got it.

So the first .... and so far ONLY debate that HARRIS has agreed to will be on 
September 10th ...

This is about 4 weeks after the Democratic Convention (if you count the Convention week as well) ....

I thought there was a state which would start mail-in voting in September, right around the time of, if not a little before this debate .... but I can not find the information at this time - when I do, I will strike this paragraph out, and put in the date in cap/bold underneath.

Anyways - TRUMP has said he wasnt a lot more Debates, but Harris hasn't said anything about those yet ....

The VICE-PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE - which I think will be the more .... um .... interesting one ... will be on

OCTOBER 1, 2024

Oh, I'm hoping it's going to be a good one - I'm from Minnesota, so I know all about Walz .... I'm hoping he gets his butt chewed pretty good .... hee hee.

My problem with Walz isn't that he's a Democrat - I almost expect it whenever you hear someone is a "teacher" these days ... and its not that he's Pro-Union, many in the state are ... it's not even the fact that he took so long to stop the riots - although, at the time I was pretty worried about my kids, since I was out of town taking care of my Father-in-law ...

It's actually not all of that -- it's the fact that he won't take responsibility .... NOR will he apologize for anything he has done wrong.
He will apologive for if he offended you, but not for what he has actually done.

He is a giant child!

Anyways -- I'm looking forward to the debates ....

I'm going to have to make sure I have enough popcorn!!!


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