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Monday, August 19, 2024


Okay, we haven't heard about this group in a while ... at least I haven't heard much about them lately - but guess who's back in the news?


I have no real idea what the name stands for, but I know they are considered Anarchists .... they want to get rid of all control factors such as police, ICE, border patrol, and government in general.

Well - they have made thier presence known in Chicago today ....

Part of the security measures at the convention place is ring of fencing - 2 rings actually - which are like 10-12 foot tall and are fairly secure.

Well, they worked hard at it .... and managed to pop one of the sections in ....
They then spilled into the gap and attempted to get through the second ring of fencing ...

The officers, however, were ready for hem and came in from both sides, forcing the crowd back through the open part of the fencing!

Good job!

Special Report (FNC) also had an interview with A man who said he supported Hammas .... and that all Palestinians support Hammas, and that he praised Oct. 7th .... well - originally when asked about the date, he looked confused and wasn't sure what it was in reference to - "Who?" was his reply when asked if he supported Oct 7th ....
"what is wrong with Oct 7th? You tell me?"
reporter: Women and children, well it's murder
"What is this (bleeped out))?"

I got the feeling, he likely just wanted to be on camera .... but .... I could be wrong.

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