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Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Wow - its like a regular headline ... lol ... didn't actually try for that either, I'm just too tired to be witty today.

But that is the jest of what I saw on Outnumbered (FNC) today - I tuned into the DNC convention last night about 9pm and saw Harris was up there speaking - so I figured I had missed President Biden's speech ... and to me he was the only one worth listening to last night.

And knowing what issues he has with late nights, I figured they would have him on earlier in the evening - so you can understand why I thought I had missed him ... but .... NO - as it turned out, he didn't get on until really late ....

Like almost MIDNIGHT, late. - remember, he's from the East Coast, so he's an hour ahead.

He didn't take the stage until almost 11:30PM Eastern time - that's super late for him ... we've seen how he is during the State of the Union Addresses during his term .... and this is at least 3 hours later than that!

Now - what they are using a third handed account (heresay) as gospel truth here, so take it with a grain of salt ...
but Alex Thompson, no idea who he is, tweeted out:
    "One longtime Biden aide texted " This is awful.  He literally set up a campaign and handed it over to them - do they have to cut him out of prime time?" 19Aug2024

The DNC said it really wasn't their fault at all - that the APPLAUSE went on for too long, much longer than they thought it would.

But like the commentator on Outnumbered said - somehow the RNC managed to keep a control on all that applause ... yup, so why couldn't the DNC???

Could it be that the DNC is out of control just in general???
I wonder?

But Nancy Pelosi went on air and tried to justify the backstabbing she gave him ... saying she had to do what she had to do, but HE was the one who made the decision ....
Yeah, because you all didn't really give him any other choice!!!

The her concern was "not about the President, but about his campaign"
Really?  and how exactly do you separate the two??
He WAS the campaign ... just like Kamala Harris IS the campaign now ... well, really, no one is at the rutter right now, it seems.
It's all a tad "Beige"
The crowd - including Nancy Pelosi - were chanting "We Love Joe" ... yeah, right, Nancy ... eye roll

They showed a clip from when Biden FIRST walked on the stage - he was greeted by Harris, who grabbed and kissed his hand - really? - and then Joe walked to the podium and gave his speech ..
I'm not sure how good a job he did ... I have not searched for it yet, that might come later ...

I actually find myself feeling sorry for Joe ... and that takes quite a bit to do.

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