May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Friday, August 09, 2024


So, I was watching Faulkner Focus this morning, well just the first little bit so far .... if it lasts long enough on my DVR for me to finish actually watching the stories of the program ...

But there was a story about VP Harris doing rallies in Wisconsin and Michigan .... I'm not sure if they were both in the same day or if they were consecutive days ... but they decided to show clips of the speeches Harris did ...

Side by side ....

Their point was that it was the SAME speech for two totally different states -- and yes, Wisconsin is totally different from Michigan.

But, yes, she did speak the speech ... line for line ... only changing the name of the state.

Now this might be a normal part of running for office - I don't know, I only have close contact with small town, local politics and they don't give speeches.

But - while Harris Faulkner was agast at the repeated lines .... I was watching VP Harris's hands ...


I have seen this before .... in videos of the past .... within my parents lifetime .... 
Actually, even within my in-laws lifetimes ....

As strange as it is to hear someone repeat the same lines exactly the same - from cadence to tone ....

She even had the exact movements which accompanied thos words ....

Just like ....

The Big Bad Wolf from Germany .... whom Nostrodamus labelled "Hister"... Becaue the bots have been hunting for such words ... I don't know if I can put his name in here or not.

But he used to specnd HOURS practicing his arm movements, because he telt that they told as much of the speech as the words did.

And while it might be easy to remember words .... and it might be tough to even get the cadence correct, and near improbable to get the tone the same as well (the inflections) ...

But the arm movements and the HAND/FINGER positions as well????


Until I saw these clips - it's actually quite ..... SCARY to watch.

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