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Friday, August 09, 2024


Okay - so like a script from Hollywood - this is a REAL story from Russia ....

Who knew a game of chess would be worth so much???
Well, besides "Sister Boneface" ....

Apparently there was a chess tourney going on in Russia (sorry missed the name of the place, just the country stuck in my mind) ... when a closed circuit camera caught one of the participants looking over board which she was supposed to be playing the next game ....
She was the ONLY person in the room ....
And on zoom it can be seen that she is SPRAYING something on only one set of chessmen - presumably those of her challenger ....

The poison?


The opponent got sick several hours after the game was played ...

She has been arrested .... and charged with trying to poinson EVERYONE at the tourney ....
Which makes sense - mercury is THAT poisonous - thus the reason they are no longer used in thermometers ....

Who Knew???

"When Geeks Get Deadly" .... I see a new reality show coming

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