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Monday, August 26, 2024


I will have to get back to the title on this .... I'm not quite sure what to call it yet ...

I was watching Outnumbered (FNC) - at the normal time I watch it, so from the DVR - and they were talking about how Kamala Harris's husband has been called the "new sexy" ... 
(trying not to rolf here)

I'm sorry - my husband is more "sezy" than her husband ... he doesn't have a lot of hair, and he's got a dunlap ... "his belly done laps over his belt a little" ... and he has a beard - but he has got the most beautiful eyes!
And a heart the size of the Upper Midwest (that would be bigger than Texas) .... and smart as a whip! 
And HANDY!! He can do plumbing, carpentry, and repair electric like no ones business -- he even works on cars & tractors!!!

Now THAT'S sexy.

They say Harris's husband - he's got a different last name, and I don't really care who he is, so I never learned it - because he puts his wife's desires and dreams first ....

wait ...

If you're married, then shouldn't your "desires and dreams" be ... um ... the same??? 
Or at least, I don't know .... CLOSE to each others???

It gets better ....

The are claiming that there are 2 different types of Masculinity on the ballot this year .... huh??
You guys do know - that if you make this about which guy is sexier, Harris-Walz is gonna lose .... big time ... don't you???

The New York Times (NYT) ... the mouthpiece, and butt kisser of the Democratic party (sorry but they are) ... said that JD Vance's beard (what they had labelled as part of his "uniform") was an emblem of he-man, frontiersmanship, "what a more traditional approach to gender roles?" ... 

But Walz's like of plaid shirts, Cartharts, Wilson, etc. are all examples of how he's just a regular guy and it's so much more attractive.

Okay -- TRUTH .... just because you wear a beard, does NOT make you a frontiersman/mountain man .... my husband has it because - it can get blooming COLD up here during 10 months of the year!  Other than July & August, the mornings often begin under 60F ....
Also, some people wear beards because it covers things they don't like about there face - maybe they had chicken pox and it left some scarring, maybe they have a mole, or a birthmark, or even a scar from a childhood trauma (like falling chin first off your scooter) ...

You never know ....

Tim Walz - USED TO only wear his plaid when he was out fishing or hunting ... which he seemed to ONLY do during OPENING DAYS, he didn't even stay out for the entire weekend.
Now this is NOT to say he never did those things .... but in MN, you are more likely to wear a Tshirt for fishing (unless it's Ice Fishing, then you've got that Carthart) ... plaid shirts are generally for Fall yard work ... for hunting - You GOTTA wear CAMO and something ORANGE BY LAW

JD Vance wears suits - I've never seen him in anything else, but I'm gonna guess he hangs it up when he gets home - and he looks a LOT better in it than Walz would ... even better than Trump would, and I'm not so sure how Mr. Trump is going to like that ... lol.

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