May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


I was watching Good Morning America (ABC) .... 

They had a story on how kids in the Philadelphia school district had to be sent home because of the heat ...  ... and there being no air-conditioning in the schools.

Ummm - we never had ac either .... but we still had to go to school .... and, yes, we had some awefully hot days too.

So the question I have is ....

Do we put in a/c to keep the kids - and teachers - cool?


Do we not, because a/c is a big cause of Climate Change???

Interesting choice .... 

What they have which we also didn't have in the 70's and 80's .... FANS ... we did NOT have fans in the classrooms when I went to school ...

And there were times when it was in the 90s outside - and our schools were BRICK OVENS ....

We would have the lights off, the shade drawn, and the window open  to make a "breeze" - the top of one window, the bottom of another - but only by about 4-6 inches.

So we were fdoing our work in the DARK ... no flashlights either ... 

The only drinks we had during the day were the water fountains - so the lines were really, really long .... you were lucky if you even got a drink before "passing time" was over and you had to be in class.
No bottled water back then either!

The clothing teacher had kids stopping in her room to borrow scissors - so they could cut off the legs of their blue jeans!

Girls would wer bandanas to keep the hair off their necks - we didn't have to worry about "colors" back then ... bandanas came in 4 colors - red, dark blue, black, and a lighter blue.
Imgine the craze when girls found they could make their own with all sorts of patterns and coloring - it was wonderful.

Most of the time, it was cooler outside than in - and, if you were lucky - you'd get a teacher willing to hold their class outside - on the shady side of the building

Makes me wonder - how the heck did we survive???


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