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Wednesday, August 21, 2024


I guess - at least from what I saw on The Faulkner Focus (FNC) one speaker - sorry didn't catch the name, and, frankly, I don't think it matters all that much - made a comment about J.D. Vance that totally misses the mark

And should have everyone sitting back and scratching their heads in wonderment ...

She said that JD Vance wants us to believe he grew up in poverty (and he did, it's all documented) but as soon as he could he went off to Yale, made friends with rich wallstreet dudes, men of power.

Um - yeah ... isn't that what we are SUPPOSED to be doing???
Encouraging our children to do BETTER than we did?

Now I'm not quite sure what she is trying to say here ... because while she didn't grow up as poor as JD Vance, Harris didn't do too bad for herself either.

This woman - and apparently the Demecrats as a party - have to start to realize that it's our CHOICES which define us, NOT WHERE we came from.

She didn't mention his time in the Service - he wa a Marine for at least 2 years ... but I think it was closer to 8 years, I could be wrong ... but he would have EARNED some money for college from his GI BILL, I want to say it's like $10,000 but I'm likely wrong ...
And then, too, YALE itself, offers some good Financial Aid packages ... which I'm fairly sure he has had to, if not currently doing so, pay back to the school.

These opportunities are open to EVERYONE in the USA to help further their goals.

She also skipped over how he attended a STATE UNIVERSITY before getting into Yale .... and just like Barack Obama, when he tried for Harvard, he had to go through the application process just like everyone else.

Ma'am - you do realize that he is from OHIO, right?
You can't throw a stone without hitting a lower-middle class person there ... that is FARM COUNTRY ... but there are kids even poorer than them.

Are we supposed to tell them to STAY IN THEIR PLACE???

I'm sorry -- but I don't know what her issue is with the fact that a DIRT poor boy grew up to be a SUCCESSFUL man!

Ma'am - you're successful ... did YOU stay in the same situation where you were born?
Have you not "rubbed elbows" with rich folk?

Or maybe .... she has always been "rich folk" .... I really don't know.

We are not a Caste society - we are allow - we are ENCOURAGED to better ourselves and our position in life.

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