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Wednesday, August 21, 2024


So, I was watching The Faulkner Focus (FNC) and she was talking about how a lot of "Top Shelf" democrats were NOT going to be at the convention last night, because the Obama's were going to be there.

Barack Obama .... I always feel I spell his name wrong ... spoke about whatever it was that he spoke about ... he is a former President, and they didn't even show a clip of him ....

Instead we got ... and remember - WORDS have MEANING ...

        "... Something ... I-I-I .... Something wonderfully magical is in the air tonight - yeah, we're feeling it here in this arena tonight - we're feeling it in this arena but it's spreading all across this country we love ... A familiar feeling that been buried too deep for far too long .... HOPE is making a comeback!" Michelle Obama, Democratic Convention, Chicago, IL, 20August2024

HOPE was the tagline for the Obama terms .... I want to say it was "Hope" for the first, "Change" for the second - but they go together ....

So this would mean that she is saying - whether she wants us to know or not - that the BIDEN-HARRIS administration was NOT a part of the "Hope" she is speaking of ....

She even said that HOPE has been MISSING for a LONG time!  


She never once - so I've heard - used the NEW tagline of the Harris campaign ...


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