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Thursday, August 08, 2024


It's likely you have never heard the term "white wash" ... mostly because Mark Twain has been banned from most public school's these days ....
Whitewash was a old way of painting things .... my understanding (because it wasn't actually being used when I was growing up for at least 40 years, btw) - it was made my mixing powdered LIME with simple water.
I mentioned Mark Twain because in the story "Tom Sowyer" there's a famous scene where Tom is sent by Aunt Polly to paint the fence with whitewash .... Tom, of course, doesn't really want to do it - who would - so he tricks his friends into doing it by tellin gthem it was really quite fun to do.
Thus, the term "Whitewash" has a couple of meanings ...
1)to cover something up so it can't be seen
2)a lie to make someone believe something that isn't real
This particular Whitewash uses BOTH of these definitions.
It concerns Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) and his military record.
Yes - he served in the National Guard for over 20 years ... no one is questioning that.
BUT - he has been ratted out by members of his former Service Unit who say he is lying about several things during his service time.
First - there's his RANK ... he claimed for the longest time that he was a Sgt. Major ... which he was in line for, but since he left EARLY, he, in fact, did NOT recieve that promotion - and he would have been aware of this ... not only because he would have been sent a letter telling him so, but also because he didn't get the pay raise.
And we all know, if you aren't getting the money you're expecting from your job - you know it!

The more grievous part of all the tells he has told ... is his LIE that he was in combat.

The campaign is claiming that he NEVER said he was in "combat" ... I believe words have meaning .... but YES he did!
He said,
    "... and we can make sure those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place where those weapons are around ...."
YES.  He.  Did.

While the word "combat" was used .... the word "War" was .... is there really that much of a difference??

My brothers never played "Combat" .... they played "War" .... 
My understanding is that DID serve overseas - a desk job in Italy, during a time of peace.

When the war in Iraq began to get tossed about, the one in the 2000s, not the one in the 1990s .... he suddenly felt the time had come to leave.
About 1-2 months before his Unit got shipped out, he left.

The MEMBERS of his Unit know best - and THEY have come out agaisnt it .... starting in 2018 (at least that's what I've heard) they have hit the local media trying to get someone to listen, but Walz has been able to poo-poo it all.

There is NO WAY this was missed while they were vetting him - so either someone didn't do their job ... or they figured they can Whitewash it so no one will see it or believe it ....

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