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Monday, August 26, 2024

Wait - WHAT???

"The Women of America cannot trust what Donald Trump and JD Vance say because they've already seen what Donald Trump and JD Vance have done.Trump ripped away women's freedom in all 50 states by overturning Roe ..." Sarafina Chitika, Harris-Walz 2024 Spokesperson

Hmmm, interesting ....
I saw this on Good Morning America (ABC) this morning .... I find it interesting that the reporter said this was a statement from "the campaign" but the placards make it plain that it is from Ms. Chitika ....
Which will offer Harris-Walz a lot of wiggle room later on when it gets pointed out the blatant mistake in the whole thing.

The Supreme Court did NOT say Roe was bad ....
What they said was the premise which it was being argued on was bad .... and it was bad, because it was found not to exist.

The ORIGINAL case, back in 1972/73 said that there was an implied Right ... and for some reason, the Court at the time let it slide ...
Today's court, looked at that same implied Right and said - Wait, that's not there though.

So IF they can find a Right which IS legally there - in the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights - then they can argue it back into being a federal Right ....

BUT even then - it is NOT outlawed in ALL 50 states as said ... in fact, it is "outlawed" in maybe 2 states .... while others offer acceptions to the rules .... 

The issue is that everything is being overblown .... on BOTH SIDES ....

My issue is .... Freedom of Choice, seemed to only apply to those who wanted to get an abortion, but not to women who wanted to carry a handicapped child to full term, or have more than 2 or 3 children - even Judge Judy has passed judgement on people having "too many" children ...
Right to Life, seemed to only refer to the child's life and not the mother's ... there are times when carrying a child to term could cause undue harm to the mother - be it a "tubular" pregnancy (which simply means outside the uterus) or more serious problems.

There are a few women who use abortion as their preferred form of birth control - I used to work with one - I don't understand it, but it's not me.  I'm sure there are those who prefer to use Plan B as a form of birth control.

I would think these forms are more likely to damage your chances of conceiving later in life ... but .... I don't know.

Oops - off subject massively big tme ...

Mr. Trump himself has said that he has NO STANDING on the Abortion issue, even though he appointed Justices to the Court who helped to overturn on Constitutional matters, Roe v. Wade.
He has said he will NOT sign any Amendment which will make it illegal nationwide.

REMEMBER - both sides are lieing .... without really lieing ... but they are not telling EVERYTHING which is going on either.

It's a game of 3D chess - and we are but the pawns ... or is that prawns because they munch on us like snacks????

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