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Monday, August 26, 2024


No ...

I decided to take a break from ALL my normal Sunday shows yesterday - I just wasn't feeling very well ....

Even today, I'm not back to normal ....
I'm tired ....
Achey ...
My appetite is coming back so that's good ...
But I still can gag when my sinuses let loose, which often causes me to cough pretty hard.

So - this was the weekend AFTER the Democraic Convention, and I thought I'd be watching all about how great it was .... 
you know they are going to pat their buddies on the back ....

BUT - it sounds like Mr. Trump did an interview with an ABC reporter - NOT Stephanopolous .... that Clinton Press guy - and felt it was totally biased or unfair ...

I have no idea - I will have to check YouTube to find out ...

Apparently, it was so bad .... that .... big surprise ... he says he's not so sure about doing a debate on ABC now ....


You're gonna take your baseball and go home??


Dear Mr. Trump .... I say this from the bottom of my heart .... and I'm sure I am speaking for a lot of non-affiliated voters as well ....
GROW THE F UP!!!!!!!!!
Smile .... Shake your head .... say "there you go again" .... and GET ON WITH IT!!!
You AIN'T all that and a bag of chips!  If you want to actually win, then show you can RUN THIS COUNTRY by showing you can HANDLE being attacked by the media .... for Goodness sake - is this the way you do business???
I'm going to guess not.

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