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Thursday, August 22, 2024


So - I was watching yesterday's (well, its after midnight so, yeah, yesterday's) Special Report (FNC) when they had a story on Tim Walz .... my new favorite subject ... NOT.

But apparently the newest bit of controversy ... psshh ... is that while he has said they had IVF - he and his wife - blah blah blah ...

It turns out they had ICI instead ....

So What's the difference????

IVF is basically fertilization outside the womb and then it's implanted ... my understanding is that selection between the sperm/eggs are completely at random, survival of the fittest.  Both egg and sperm need to be "healthy" ... 

ICI, from what I've been able to find out, is when the sperm is directly injected into AN egg ... they get to pick and choose which genetics they like from each person.  The sperm do NOT have to have good tail sections because they do NOT have to swim to find the egg.

But basically ....


Other than the fact that I have towonder how two people on Teacher's wages could AFFORD to have any type of fertility treatment .... none of it is cheap.

But I'm not so sure this is as "controversal" as they think ....

But it does add another peg to his board of mistrust

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