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Thursday, August 22, 2024


I was tuning into to watch The Faulkner Focus this morning when I caught the tail end of the show which comes on just before it ...

And the reporter said the most amazing thing .... but let's not jump too far ahead.

Apparently, there are financial disclosures which show that Gov. Tim Walz is worth a "few hundred thousand bucks" as the reporter put it ...

And he is supposed to have few investments.  He also has a government pension.  

BUT .... here's the thing ....

As Minnesota Governor .... Minnesota pays for
    Housing (including the temporary housing while the mansion is being renovated)
    Transportation (as well as a driver for both him and his wife)
    I think they also pay for a big chunk of his clothing and family vacations - at least ones like the Fishing and Hunting Openers.

So he is paid just under $200,000 annually ... he was paid $150,000 or so when he was a member of the State congress ...

That's a LOT of money he has earned since 2006 ....

He says he doesn't own ANY property, so it's not going for mortgages ....
Rent isn't all that high in St. Paul ... or whereever he's from ...

So ....

I think they need to check HIS WIFE'S finances!

In MN, there is "Marital Asset" laws .... which basically says "what is one, is also the others" UNLESS there's some sort of Pre-Nuptual contract .... but as long as they are still married they have equal ownership ...

But as we've seen in the passed - think John McCain and John Kerry .... politicians will often put property in their WIVES NAMES to HIDE it from these forms ....

And then, when caught, they will say "it's her property, not mine"

If they, either he nor she, have any property which must be paid for either by loan or taxes ... then WHERE IS ALL HIS MONEY GOING??

I have children as well ... I know how much it costs to raise kids IN MINNESOTA ...

He should have a whole lot more money than a couple $100,000!!!

I think they gotta do some real digging here!!!


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