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Sunday, August 11, 2024


So, Sen. Kennedy - not the run runnin gfor President, the other one.

Sen. Kennedy asked some questions in a Commision/Sentate hearing - I'm not sure which ...
which made me sit back and go WHA?

Remember Epstien?
The child molester who had his girlfriend "groom" young girls for him?  They were like 14 years old and were origianlly offered MODELING contracts ....

You have no idea the shiver this puts down my spine - honestly, but more on this later .... but probably not.

Well - it turns out the F.B.I. has videotapes from Epstien's Lolita Island .... and other places he had the girls available ... so that the could blackmail PROMINENT men who took advange of his "offerings" ....
I'm trying my best not to gag here ....

The Head of the FBI said he cannot release any such information on an ongoing case ....


This case is now DONE, isn't it?
After all, Epstien is "unalive" as the kids say these days ... and his girlfriend is in PRISON ... big difference between prison and jail ... 

So WHY can't they release the tapes?
Or at least, a general idea of what is in there?

You've got to see this ....
And yes, Kennedy does then slide into the Mar-a-Largo raid ... 

but my problem is the whole ONGOING CASE part .... hmmm.

Who are they SAVING from prosecuton???

Not Trump .... they'd have been all over him .... UNLESS .... the plane rides given to Bill Clinton .... or the "stay" given to Prince Andrew of the UK .... or there might even be even MORE people in the forefront ...
Hiding those people would be the only thing I can think of to keep things under wraps.

Here's the YouTube video of the hearing .... very interesting ....

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