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Monday, August 12, 2024


PEOPLE, People, people!!!

It is now geting pretty thick out there --- in Political Land, that is ....

Not just because BOTH sides are agreeing on tax cuts - both sides are now claiming they don't want to tax Tips as income ((although it was the Democrats in my state which started taxing my tips when I was trying to use them to pay for college wo getteing a loan .... that's a different story)

Both sides are now saying they will be "tought" on crime .... define tough?  Harris is from California; we've seen the crap they've got ... the other knows some really good tax/business lawyers - big difference!
But the BIGGEST signal is .... 
The sudden change in the polling!!!!


Because it has amazingly gone from within the MOA, to just outside the MOA!!
The pollsters are Harris' newst  "buddies"  ....  yup - it's the newest "job" out there!

I have been around for a while now - starting down the down side of the hill - and I have never seen Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin ALL get the EXACT same numbers during a poll!!!!

Usually there's at least a little leeway - even if by just a point ....
But the "poll" they want people to believe now has Harris v. Trump at 
Margin of Error = +/- 4.5 

wait -- so the MOE is 4.5?? 

See - I took Stats in college during the 1980's .... we didn't like them much above 3.5% .... anything 4.5 and above meant there was a HUGE issue with the data.

I'm thinking there's a big flaw with how the poll was conducted ....
I know in MN, which is majority DFL (really, it's less socialistic than Walz would have you think, waaaaaay less) .... 

But the DFL has more to do with FARMERS and farm laborers, than it does with the likes of welfare, housing, education.
and - get this right as well - the "broadband access" which they touted in MN does not get farm kids, for the Northern MN kids at least, ANY sort of "broadband" .... they are lucky if they can get anything about Dial-Up ...

Yes - the top 1/3, or so, of MN still can only get 48.8kps .... unless they are lucky enough to have cable (which is pretty rare up there) they still use that squealing, screeching hook-up .... 
and they have to hope they don't have "Call Waiting" because any beep can break the connection.

OMG - remember when you'd finally hook up (back in the 14.4kps days) and you'd start the arduous task of waiting for something to download .... usually a very important computer operating system update ... and someone (usually me, in my house) would pick up the phone and disconnect the download??
And you can't just pop on and start where you left off - you had to start all over again!

And while kids these days (even my own, memory fades fast) think "ooo, you had to sit for another 2 minutes" ....
NO ...
We are talking HOURS .... ugh.

The only kids that got "broadband" were those in the lower 2/3rds of the state .... basically the Big 5 Cities ...
St. Paul
St. Cloud

Yeah - they seem to get the majority of everything, and then "everyone" in the state is supposed to have it too ....

Like that damned lunch program -- you see, while it's a good concept it doesn't actually solve ANYTHING!
There is a portion of the schools in MN which CANNOT serve meals to kids in the school system - at least not HOT lunches ....
They have NO hot meals in the kitchen -- some of it was because the school pre-dates modern buildings, some because of the whole "greenhouse gas" thing going on.

So unless they are willing to look into MREs for these kids - although rumor has it that the heaters in those are going to be looked at as well, they are basically mini-batteries -- children in these districts or schools will have to continue to BRING THEIR OWN LUNCHES ....

Sigh -- I remember when I was younger taking my lunch to school .... a sandwich, a baggie of chips (mom had to buy the big box and split them up), and a warm apple - warm because Ma would story the box of them in the kitchen in front of the heat duct (only place we had room).

Yup - I feel the plight of those kids.

I think I've fallen away from the subject again ....

So - I DON'T CARE WHO you vote for ....

I'm just saying --- 


Just think how different things would have been if just ONE President had been different .... just one.

I'll even let you choose.


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