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Sunday, September 15, 2024


Wow - this might acually make me stop watching ABC news - I just can't believe they allow this to go on!

I am no huge fan of Trump - which you might not believe after reading my blog posts, but I'm NOT .... he's arrogant, self-rightous, self-absorbed, and narcissistic ... BUT he knows how to MAKE MONEY .... he did a great job of getting us out of the slump left by Obama, AND during the 2020 lockdown, somehow prices didn't bounce way up .... even though, there was no toilet paper and it last a lot longer than he had originally planned.

But - ABC is just ridiculous ....

I am watching This Week... (ABC) and they are doing a piece on how people look at the "debate" they just put on last week ....

And they played clips from lots of Harris supporters, but only a few Trump supporters ,... I know they will claim that was just the way they found them, but ... really?

And then, when they talked about Harris, they said only nice things, calm things, you know?
And when they talked about Trump, they said things in more of a negative way ...
    "We asked (voter's name) about the baseless claims made by Trump during the debate ..."

WOW ....

I have a feeling all the anchors of the past, as well as famous journalists (you know, only one I can think of off hand is Cronkite, but he worked for CBS) are rolling over right now.

When did "news" become a synonym for "propaganda machine" .... oh yeah, when the hippies took over.

Now don't get me wrong -- I'm for free speech .... but in journalism & news it is FUNDAMENTAL to be neutral in what you are reporting ....

Inflammatory language is NOT being neutral.

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