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Sunday, September 15, 2024


UPDATE: Well this makes much more sense ... this is from Governor Healy, D-Massachuettes ... she's a great dancer - dances around a question like Ginger Roger around Fred Astair!


I'm still waching This Week ... (ABC) - and they have on s female Governore (I didn't catch her name, but I'm sure it will pop up here soon) ...

The anchor of the show today, I've seen her before, but it's not the one from the debate, asked a very poignant question about Harris not giving ANY sort of answer to the question of setting a date or limit on abortions ...

At first, the Governor completely IGNORED the question, and just jumped into her talking points ...

well - the anchor wasn't going to let her sweep this aside quite so quickly - she asked it again, and told the Governor that she wanted an answer to her question

The Governor then gave more gobbly goop ... The anchor said that most of the states have set limits - including the Governor's own state, which has it a 24 weeks.

To which the Governor said
    "...nobody was asking to be overturned (Roe v Wade), except for some segment ..."

That segment? THEY ARE CALLED PEOPLE .... you may not agree with them - but they DO count!!!

And that "segment", ma'am, is 50% of the population ....

and in that "segment" is a little less than 50% of the WOMEN of this nation!

If you think every woman in this nation supports abortion - I've got some ocean front property in Kansas to sell you!

When polls are taken on the subject - abortion - they find it is a split vote .... ALMOST down the middle ....

The decision of Roe v Wade was NOT found to be wrong .... what was found to be wrong was the Constitutional premise which they had BASED it on.

They CAN argue a new case - since Roe has already said she wanted nothing to do with it afterwards, and even went to he Supreme Court herself to try to get it reversed - BUT they have to find a CLER Constitutional right to base it on .... and it's just not there!

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