May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


So, I am sitting here listening to ABN (Antioch Broadcasting Network) ... they can be found online as well ... I'll put he link at the end.

They are the only Old Time Radio station I listen to for old radio programs like "Abbot & Costello", "Space Patrol", "Superman" (it's awesome on the radio, btw), and so many more .... You can even hear the ORIGINAL "You Bet Your Life" - it's a hoot!

Today, where I am in Wisconsin, the heat index - which basically means "in the shade" .... it's what the humidity makes it feel like ...

Today the heat index is 105.6F, right now .... UGH!!

So what are they playing on ABN?

LUX Radio ... the episode?


    Yeah - A. its NOT July .... B. It's too dang HOT to even think of winter, much less Christmas

It was NOT supposed to get tis hot today .... it was NOT supposed to be this HUMID today ....

I'm going to have to keep an eye on the sky tonight.

Someone's going to get hit by something bad

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