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Tuesday, September 17, 2024


You guys have no idea how many of these things I have on hold ... I tend to take photos of things when they pop up on shows, so I can get to them later ....

and there they have been sitting ....
for a really long time

I've got stuff .... well - let's just get to these numbers before I get too far off the beaten path ...


BIDEN-HARRIS BORDER (remember, she was supposed have been in charge of the border)

530,000 = CHNV Program
813,000 = Appointments through CBP One App 
1,300,000 = Allowed in USA (1.3M)

Okay - so these numbers are from "CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION" ... they are a bureau of government; it is the biggest part of the NSA .... I believe they are separate from I.C.E., but I could be wrong....

To see these numbers coming from them is shocking ... while several numbers have been released (see note above) this is the first time I have heard of numbers being release by them.

The CHNV Program = immigrants flown in from CUBA, HAITI, NICARAGUA, VENEZUELA (thus the letters) ... and while they have been allowed in legally, they are NOT US citizens .... but, they ARE legal.

CBP ONE = it's an app where people can set up appointments to get through the LEGAL POINTS OF ENTRY ... when they make it through the Points of Entry, they are LEGAL to be here!  It's okay!  They are NOT citizens, but they ARE legal.

The other 1.3 Million? well she didn't say, but I'm going to guess that these are the ones who come in ILLEGALLY and get picked up -- so it is likely, the number is even HIGHER, since they can only get an accurate counting of those which have been "captured" .... think of it like mice.  You might catch 1, but you know there has to be a lot more of them.

Yes - there was a drop in August - when it was hotter than where they came from!!!

We have seen them shelter under bridges/overpasses in the heat - but during the heatwave, they didn't feel any rush to come across the border .... so much for "needing" to come up to the USA


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