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Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Wow ... last night was BRUTAL to Donald Trump ... there had been talk about him having purposefully throwing the debate in hopes of getting another one set up ...

But I heard on The Faulkner Focus (FNC) that on the Sean Hannity Show (FNC) that he aksed why should he, he won .... 


No Way!!!  

Trump got a proctal exam on he stage last night - and they used a CATTLE PROD to do it with!!!!

But ... as I get older ... I understand why my parents, and my husband's parents, were worried  about getting old ....

It's not the health issues ....
It's not trying to live on Social Securiy
It's not worry about losing your home

It's being NULLIED by society .... simply because ... of your AGE!!!

We've all done it ... all of us.

We've all looked at an old person - and ASSUMED they needed a bit of help, or lived in "the past", or just didn't understand.

That last one .... that's my "sin" - I never thought my parents understood ... so it doesn't surprise me when my kids say "you don't understand"

My father .... after my mother passed ... admitted that when he looked back on things, most of the best presidents of his lifetime were Democrats ....

I didn't have the heart to remind him that the first 14-15 years were under a single president ...FDR ... 
I did however mention Jimmy Carter and Johnson ... and he said - okay, maybe not so much them ....

But .... we had gotten to the point in America where people over 60 yrs old were still being found useful, they could still get a job ....
even if i was as a Greeter at the local Walmart ...

Then .... there was BIDEN .... he's really not all tha old ... well, older than any of my brohers made it to - but really, early 80s is not all that old, any more ...

His problem is his mental accuity ... I truly think from the first instance of him calling Harris president, they had an issue ....

And they chose to ignore it ... and by the time they finally acknowledged it, it was too late for a lot of the normal meds to help ....

So we have had to go through a ton of time waiting for them to find just the right combo .... but little things - like switching time zones - can throw it off.

So now .... we see Joe taking vacations .... sitting in the sand ... on the beach ... 

And it brings up thoughts of retirement communities in Florida ...

And ...

That's just ...


The older folk ... we ... ugh ... we offer a LOT of knowledge - a lot of experience, ideas, hope, for what the future will hold ...

And ...

We're less likely to lie -- why should we?

We haven't got that much time left!

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