May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


So, I'm watching  Outnumbered (FNC) to catch all the sadness over last night's debate ....

But they actually aren't all that sad -- more on this later -- and the Token Dem "on the couch" ... eye roll, I hate the term ... is Maria Harf (I think that's her name) ...

And they have a segment on Malania Trump and a message she put out which questions why the FBI and the Secret Service aren't looking harder into how the attempted assassin got onto the roof, and why it took so long for any sort of action to take place ....

And it makes sense -- I'd be pissed off too ... but let's get this on target ,..

Harf (because I'm not so sure of her first name) said ... and I couldn't believe this ...

That it was a tragedy for the family of the families of those who got killed and for this country, because he's still out there talking to crowds!!!

EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?!

You have ONE option here ... only ONE ...


Even if you MISSPOKE ... it was still horrid .... 

APOLOGIZE .... now

Don't wait .... Don't pass Go ... Don't Collect $200 .... UNTIL you APOLOGIZE ...


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