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Friday, September 13, 2024


Okayi, that's a bit of hyperboli ... but it's going to seem like it ... and JPL is going to be jumping up and down .... while looking over heir shrs, so to speak ....

20,000 workers at Boeing Air ... the people who make thfrom whe majority of the airplanes in theworld .... yup, they are that big .... have decided to GO ON STRIKE.

And while I understand that life in Washington state is not cheap ... in fact, it ranks up there with NYC, LA, Chicago, & Vegas .... at least from what I've seen in "grocery haul" videos on YouTube -- I love those!

Anyways, while I understand the cost of living situation .... this strike makes me wonder ....

If Boeing goes Out of Business ... where will these people find jobs???

In the state of Washington - not to be confused with D.C. - the minimum wage is $20/hour .... for FULLTIME work (40/wk) that comes to ....


Well - that's for places like Starbucks and such .... not Boeing ... 

They pay an average just under $30/hour ...

So for FULL TIME (40 hrs/week) that comes to:

$62,400  ...

Booing has offered a 25% WAGE INCREASE (over 4 years) ...

That would make the salary ...

$78,000 a year

That's not that bad, right??

Well - the UNION has rejected it!


Well, for one thing - according to he Union (we all know how i feel about them) - workers have not gotten a raise in 16 YEARS ....

WAIT - let me get this straight - the workers ... who get to vote for the Union Reps ... picked these guys????

I'm sorry -- but after the first term was up and you didn't get a raise -- why the heck didn't you vote then out????

So - what did the Union want??
    40% pay raise(over 3 years)
    PENSIONS instead of a 401K

Wait ... I know 401K as tied to the stock market ... which, actually in the long run isn't a bad idea unless you are expecting a market crash .... hmmm.

Also - Pensions are EASIER at losing money without anyone realizing it .... until it's too late to recover it.  But I don't know if workers CONTRIBUTE to a pension, or if it's all from the employer .... 

Either way - just because you have a pension, does not mean you will be able to keep the pension if you leave or the company goes bankrupt ....
In fact - you will be more likely to lose your pension if a company goes belly up - because the COURTS consider the pension plans as part of the COMPANY'S ASSETS ...

And the employees will be screwed big time ....
But the UNION will be just fine - see, they would have already gotten their share ....

BUT - with a 401K .... Courts look at that as if it belongs to the worker and not the company .... because the worker puts in a portion of the funds, themselves!

Boeing is already having issues, as it is ... this could be the death nailBe for he company, if truth be told ...

AND you have to remember -- the troubles the company has had, have been on the MANUFACTURING side of things - with the exception of the 737MAX programming issue (the one which made the plane take a nose dive) - everything else, seems to be on the assembly line.

So .... I'm not sure where I stand on this ....

On one hand .... no raise in 16 years??? 
That's horrilbe ...
I've quit a long time ago

On the other hand .... no workers to build the planes?
That's gonna hurt everyone in the area ....
Especially, the Big Wigs wallets ....

But - if the business goes ....


Talk to workers in Minnesota who used to work for NorWest Airlines ...
When NWA "merged" with Delta ... all those workers got SCREWED ....

Suddenly, the conracts - which had just been negotiated wih  NWA, where NULL and VOID ... because the company no longer existed ....

The contracts which NWA had with the state were also NULL and VOID .... because, again, the company no longer existed.

This means - if Boeing wanted to .... it could "allow" itself to be a victim of a "hostile takeover" by another plane manufacturer ....
and ALL contracts Boeing had .... would be .... NULL and VOID .... including Union contracts ....


Tread lightly guys -- you might just "negotiate" yourselves to the Poor House!!

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