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Thursday, September 12, 2024


I am still watching the Sept. 11th (9/11) episode of Special Report (FNC) .... and they just got to a "Fact Check"ing segment over last night's (9/10) Presidential Debate ....

and boy did they find a lot more than the ABC journalists did .... those journalists - David Muir & Lindsey Davis, according to the Fox reporter - are from Good Morning America and Nightline (ABC) ... but these aren' really "news" shows as much as they are "commentary" shows, these days ....

But they, ABC, Fact Checked Trump 5 times ....
They Fact Checked Harris 0 times .... even though she blatantly played with the truth ....

so Fox did it .... today ...


Kamala Harris:

1. "I made that very clear in 2020, I will not ban fracking ..."
False: she said BIDEN would oppose fracking in 2020, she never said that she would oppose fracking.

2."What has been happening under Donald Trump's abortion ban, couples who pray and and and dream of having a family are being denied IVF treatments ..."
False: Trump is actually been a leading advocate for Invitro Fertilization ... in fact, he said that it was very important for his family ... I'm beginning to wonder about Barron's conception now.

3."Donald Trump, the candidate, has said in this election there will be a blood bath ..."
False: I remember this quote, he was talking about workers who were going to lose their jobs due to the Biden-Harris policies, and he was talking about economically for the families, not against the government!
but Fox said, that he was talking about a blood bath for the auto industry, and this had been established a long time ago, yet ABC said nothing about it .... nothing at ALL!

4.Harris accused Trump of wanting to sign a National Abortion Ban
False: Donald Trump has denied this over and over again - his goal was to get the abortion question back to the states, which has happened.

5.Harris kept saying he was for the 2025 Plan
False: Trump has said over and over that it is NOT his plan - he has no intention of even looking at it ... He admitted that, yes, it was written by some people who used to work for him, but he never asked them to, he was never interested in it, and while there might be some stuff in there, he's not interested in it.

6.Asked to explain her abandonment of Left-Wing stances of 4 years ago ...
Ignored: Never pressed on it when she pivoted to other topic


Donald Trump

1.Trump mentioned that crime was rising .... ABC said "President Trump, as you know the FBI says, overall, violate crime has actually coming down in this country ..."

2.Donald Trump was asked about Jan.6th
ABC jumped on him, "Was there anything you regret about what you did on that day?" ... "Was there anything that you regret about what you did on that day? Yes or No?"  When Trump said he had nothing to do with what happened, they pressed on.

Other (lberal) media outfits praised the moderators ... one saying they built "factual guardrails around Trump" ....

It's just too bad they didn't do the same for Harris ....

The one that stood out to me, was when Trump mentioned the missing pets (at first he just mentioned cats) and how people were reporting that it was because of the 20,000 Haitian immigrants who have moved in .... ABC said that the city officials told them/her (since it was the gal who said it) that there were no "offical accounts" of such activities.
And, as I'm sure you are aware, a city official is more concerned about how the city looks to employers than the truth ....
I will have to find that Garage Logic podcast episode where they talk about it ...
This reminds me of in the late 70s-early 80s when the Hmong first came -- dogs and cats (mostly strays, but some pets as well) disapeared .... "city officials" back then too said it was not because of the Hmong - but they began to quietly having "mandatory classes" to tell them that eating such animals is not allowed here .... I know this to be FACT, because of a girl I wen to a summer program with - she was Hmong, and she told me all about the "classes" ... 

So .... I do believe this is likely TRUE.

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