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Sunday, September 01, 2024

So, I am watching Face the Nation (CBS) from this morning .... having issues today getting my heart to slow down, so this might not be the best idea ... when they brought on Gov. Maura Healey (D-Massachusetts) ...

They began talking about Mr. Trump -- and this gal had NO RESPECT for the past President at all!!

She said nothing from his mouth should be believed .... although she didn't really say why ...
She kept referring to the 2025 Plan as his, even though it has been fact checked and shown that he had nothing to do with it - yes it was written by a Think Tank, and on the Think Tank there are people who used to be on Trump's cabinet .... he, hmself, had NOTHING to do with anything in the "plan" ... Nor has he endorsed any of it!!!!!

Then they began to talk about I.V.F. treatment - and how Mr. Trump says he'd like to require insurance companies to pay for it ... I'm going to ignore the blatant misquote of what Trump said, for now ...

Gov. Nealey became so totally snotty at this point - Mean Girl style - she said
"Well, first of all - don't believe anything Donald Trump says, you know as Attorney General, I I had to sue him over a hundred times for his lies and as governor I've seen, you know, a real difference between a Trump administration and, and, an administration that will have Kamala Harris ...."

Wait - first - RUDE, would you want someone to say not to believe ANYTHING you say???  Now I can't be sure, but I do know that it is LIKELY that she has NOT had time to dedicate listening to ALL things Trump has said - and I'm SURE she did not have time to FACT CHECK everything he has done .... so what GULL she has saying he is totally untrustworthy!

Second - a hundred times?? Really?? While he was in ffice, or just since he filed to run again??  If you check, you will find that WHILE he was in office, even before he took office, he was being hit with lawsuits and investigations - more than ANY other President - then they seemed to go away once Biden was sworn in - up until he announced he was in fact going to run for office again.  Then those, plus others, were refiled again or pressed forward.

I truly have the feeling that she gets her news/info "filtered" to her through party advocates - who tend to skew things to one side or the other ... very much like Bills trying to become Laws - most Bills are hundreds of pages long, and they will have at least a dozen of them in a session, although usually more, and they are written in Legal-ese so they are nearly impossible to understand - so they hire "interns" to read the bills for them, and then summerize them, think of it as a "book report" on the Bill.
Now if they don't have time for something as IMPORTANT as that, why would she have time to watch the news about Mr. Trump??

She then went on to say that Trump was going to support the 6 week Abortion Ban in Florida -- NO, HE NEVER SAID THAT .... In fact, he said the opposite - he said he felt that 6 weeks wasn't long enough ... he said that Abortion is a state's issue- that those who live in North Dakota may not feel the same as those who live in Arkansas - and that's okay .... 
And, that is the way the USA was created to work, btw.

But the absolutely rudest part - and TOTALLY UNCALLED FOR part - of what she said .... 
was when she said 
        "I don't think Donald Trump can spell I.V.F. let alone understand what it means..."
WOW - wow ....
How would YOU like it if someone said this about YOU???
I'm going to guess, you'd be mighty upset by it -- you, governor (little g, because I don't think you've earned a Big g yet), are a BULLY .... B-U-L-L-Y

And that is something NO ONE should be when they are in a position of "power" .... think of the example you are setting for the children of your state!!!!!!

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