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Saturday, August 31, 2024


My oldest daughter would hacomve HATED me

She went to MARINE boot camp ... and NO, it is NOT easier than men Basic ... in fact - it's probably worse 

See BT isn't just for breaking you down - it's to prepare you for anything you might have to face in combat ... and a female Marine is much more likely to see actual batle - by this I mean hand-to-hand .... while there are plenty of female Air Corps/Force out there - unless they get shot down, they aren't very likely to get in the same area as the enemy.

Anyhow - the Marines have a very special way to 'punish" recruits when they really screw up ....

The Sand Pit

think of the sand trap at an 18-hole golf course - now think of going into it sweaty pipicas a pig, fully dressed, and laying down in it ... oh .... and doing MORE P.T.

My daughter was one of the crazy recruits who absolutely loved it!

Whenever one of the other recruits got sent there, they would have to pick a buddy to go in with them - they would usually pick my daughter ...
Hey - she made it fun .... she'd crack jokes, say how much fun it was, etc. - she made the time pass easier.

In fact it got to the point where the D.I.s would have to tell the others NOT to pick her -- what else can they do when a punishment is no longer working??

BTW - my daughter was a Farm Girl ... sweating wasn't a big deal ... and being sweaty, covered with mud/dirt/fertilizer was way worse than being in that sand pit!

But this??

Yup - likely this would have been my letter as well.  You see - my letters to my daughter ran along the lines of "stop giving the D.I.s grief - just do what they say - they are there to help you.... someday, they may just save your life"

I have a feeling my husband's letters were more along the line of "miss you" ...

yeah - she was a Daddy's Girl.

But ... she said she never got very many of my letters.  I'm sure they are still floating around Parris Island somewhere ...

So here's the video:  NOT MINE

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