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Thursday, September 05, 2024


Geez - let's start this again .... I am having a really tough time writing this one ...

Probably because it could've effected my family, just as easily as those who were there.

A school shooting in small town Georgia .... I have relatives down in that state, and around that area ... but I have not heard of any of them being at this particular school.

4 have died - 2 teachers, one of whom was also a football coach ... 2 boy, both 14 years old ...
9 others were wounded and taken to a Trauma 1 hospital ...

It wasn't long before the news media showed up - for the news updates, right????

Well - you also had those ones who are so anxious to get an "exclusive" that they are poking their camera in everyone's faces!

I was watching Outnumbered (FNC) which was using footage from a heliocopter, taking photos from overhead - and Harris Faulkner kept saying that they had to be careful what was being shown because they didn't want the shooters to see how the officers were moving.

And that means -- the news people KNOW what they are doing ....

But later on -- they began interviewing kids ... before their parents even got there (at least I didn't see an adult by them) ... and there was one girl who was interviewed with her mother RIGHT THERE beside her!!!!

Come On Guys!!!

When did the news stations SELL OUT???

These kids are TRAUMATIZED .... Leave.Them. Be.

The shooter - much to everyone's surprise - surrendered to the police when he was done.

He is 14 yers old ... and the FBI started "keeping an eye" on him LAST YEAR ... but they had "cleared" him.

I will NOT be putting anything like his name, or his parents' names out on here ....
That will only give "fame" to him ...
and I don't want to do that ....

I want the News Media to get their act together ... such as ABC News .... I'm watching Good Morning America (ABC) today and the news anchor - can't remember her name, she was the ex-basketball player - mentioned that this was the 8th shooting this year

Now I watch a lot of news .... I mean a LOT of news ...

and this is the first shooting I've seen for this SCHOOL YEAR ...
I think, I believe, in order to make the numbers sound/look worse they are going by CALENDAR year (Jan - Dec) instead of the school year (Fall - Summer) ... 

OMG .... this isn't a "ratings game" .... this is people's lives, we're talking about here!

THINK about how you would want news crews to treat YOUR KIDS if they were in this same situation!!!
I'm going to guess -- you'd want them to stay the "F" away from your child.

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