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Thursday, September 05, 2024

IT'S GOOD TO BE THE SON OF A "KING" (even though we don't have kings)

I'm watching Outnumbered (FNC), and they opened with the next Hunter Biden trial -- CA Tax Evasion .... 

And lo & behold, Hunter pled GUILTY .... which seemed to surprise EVERYONE in the court ....

They were supposed to start picking the jury today ...

He could have faced 14-17 years in prison for not paying over $1MILLION in back taxes ....

So - if it were you or I, we'd likely get the full 17 years AND having to pay back the taxes - PLUS INTEREST & PENELTIES ....

But according to the "experts" .... Hunter is likely to get only 1-3 years ... but no mention on actually paying any of the money.

Apparently, he did what is called an "Alfred Plea" .... which means he pleds guilty, even though he doesn't actually admit he did anything wrong.


It's NOT the same as "No Contest" ... which legally is putting in NO plea, but the COURT veiws you as being GUILTY ... it's weird.

So we will have to see what happens -- court is on lunch break right now .... supposed to be back in session at 1pm ....

we will have to see what happens when it gets back together.

The only thing is ....

NO ONE else could have gotten away with changing their plea WITHOUT giving the If Prosecution a heads up ... from what I've seen on several different tv shows (the total of my legal education), plea deals/agreements are offered BEFORE and once passed - generally - the deal is GONE ... done.

IF it comes back - then it has to be because of who his daddy is.

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