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Tuesday, September 10, 2024


I am finally geting around to watching this week's Fox News Sunday (FOX, Fox9) .... I just want o clear out some space in my DVR .... hubby wants me to record the debate for him tonight ....

They had on .... well Shannon Breen had on .... Senator Murphy .... I'll have to give more info later .... 

when I heard him say:
    ".... Kamala Harris has said he is going to continue to take power away from the big oil companies, the big drug companies, the big insurance companies - put that power back into he hands of regular people."

Wait - NO that was not a misspelling ...

I listened to that bit several times ... he said TRUMP was going to do this .... 

I have not heard any "clarification" or correcting of this statement either!

hmmm .... 

A slip of the lip, can sink a ship!

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