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Tuesday, September 10, 2024


The name of he store was "Penzi's Spices" and it sounds like they sell spice - cinnamon, dill, salts, peppers - but they did offer a discount the oher month to "celebrate" Trump's indictment ...

Yeah - I'm not buying from there ... I don't think ANY BUSINESS should be taking political stands
Of her hotel room - to visit some shop in Pittsburgh ....

I think I heard it called The Spice Store (?) .... I'm not exactly sure what they sell there though ....

Is it coffee?

or maybe "Spice" like in the novel/movie Dune .... if you are unfamiliar, Spice in that world refers to a DRUG which has a side effect of turning your eyes a brilliant blue ... alhough I have not seen the newst incarnation of the story .. I only remember the really bad one which had Patrick Stewart (Star Trek, Picard) in a small role.

But she said that like" studying for finals" it was nice to get out .... maybe in California!  I didn't get ou until AFTER finals when I went to school

But about this shop .... I guess the owner is an ADVID Liberal - not even going to call her a Democrat, because she leans so much more to the right - that she says that her business motto is, if you support conservatives then you need to go somewhere else.

Or some such .... I will try to find the Garage Logic podcast which mentions it and embed it here.

So .... I guess .... Kamala  likes to Preach to he Chior as much as possible then ....

That explains the whole "no audience" thing ...

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