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Monday, December 30, 2024


Well, that's a good question.

When asked what his biggest regret of his presidency was, Joe Biden said it was not STAYING in the 2024 election - and there are staffers who agree!

eh, I don't think it would have made a difference, to tell the thuth ...

No - I take that back .... if you think Harris' loss was bad - if Biden had stayed in, it likely would have been another 1980 race .... it was not pretty, and very decisive.

Biden also regrets keeping the Head of the Justice Department in there for as long as he had.

He feels that the guy (I can't spell, or even say his name) dragged his feet when going after Trump ... but rushed to go after Hunter, the President's son.

Remember - Hunter got a pardon ... which expands 11 YEARS ... I think the fact that for the last 11 years Hunter got away with so much ... I'm thinking he got a big enough "break" ... 

Okay - done with that.

Actually, I've heard several democrats say the biggest mistake Biden made in the campaign was not dropping out SOONER than he had ...

It would have allowed a Primary for the seat, and I'm not so sure Harris would have won the nomination ...

The reason she was chosen was (a)she is the Vice-President, (b)she was already on the ticket, so they wouldn't have to answer the question about the MONEY.

And the money was a HUGE factor in it all! Remember, she had dropped out of the 2020 election before the first ballot was cast - and she did not win a single delegate, not even in her own home state!

I''ve heard there is some clause that deals with money given AFTER the elections have begun in a PRIMARY - remember, there was no primary - which states that monies donated to the campaign go to pay bills first, any left over goes to the Democratic/Republican PARTY, as a whole, to be used as they see fit during the campaign.

BUT - there is nothing which discusses what happens if the SOLE nominimee drops out, and it leads to an unexpected Primary ...

And until now, I don't think this has ever been encountered before.

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