We all know who Rosa Parks was .... she died in 2005, at age 92 years old .... and she has held a special place in American History - not just "Black History" - because of what happened to her, and what came from it.
Here's what I was taught - as a child, in the Minneapolis school system - very liberal school system - Rosa Parks got off her job and had to take a public bus home .... the law of the city where she worked was that any black person had to give up their seat if a white person asked then too.
On this particular day, the bus was very crowded, and an overweight white gentleman wanted a place to sit - so he went into the black section of the bus (the back section) and asked Rosa for her seat.
She refused, and subsequently wound up getting arrested because she refused to exit the bus when asked.
This moment brought about a ridership strike by all blacks until she wa set free.
That's what I was taught in the 1970s .....
Today - I was watching American Experience (PBS) ..... it's a wonderful program .... but as I was watching Season 36, Episode 08 "Forgotten Hero: Walter White and the NAACP" ..... I have learned we were alll lied to ....
It's an outright fib, they taught us.
Rosa Parks meant to get arrested .... it had been set up, along with several other cases which went before the Supreme Court, by Thurgood Marshall (later Supreme Court Justice Marshall) and Charles Hamilton Houston - a leader from the NAACP who wanted to get more caes ino he court system.
OMG - they set it all up!!!
It was a horrible thing going on, but .... still .... they set it all up ....
This totally shakes my world .... what else did my teachers lie to me about???
Most of my teachers were adults when this happened - they must have known the truth, at the time .....
WTF, man .....
And they are still telling the original tale to todays children ....
And I almost missed it ....
It's an offhanded comment at the end of the show, as they are going over Walter White's passing ..... it is just so non0chalantly tossed in there, that you might miss it.
It is all the way down to around 1hr 45 minutes in ....here's a copy I cound on YouTube .... remember, this is not my video - I have nothing to do with what is said in it .... I'm just sharing it wih you ...
This is akin to when they found out that Winston Churchill had figured out about the bombing of London before it happened, but didn't say anything, or the Germans would have realized they could decryp their messages ....
People in the UK felt so betrayed by their government ...
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