So, I'm currently watching Face the Nation (CBS) and one segment was about the Tariffs which President Trump just put on Mexico (25%), Canada (25%), and China (10%) because they will do NOTHING to slow or stop ILLegals from crossing the borders or from coming over ...
Canada has come out and said Americans will lose their jobs over the tariffs -- huh? How? This makes no sense to me ... but he's saying it
The new Mexican President, sorry can't remember her name, says that if Trump wants to stop the Cartels, then he should go after American GUN SHOPS, who she claims is selling the cartels high powered weapons ....
Um ... I think she is getting some misinformation - the weapons which she is talking about are ILLEGAL to own in the USA, even in Florida or Texas .... so they shouldn't be able to get them from here.
PLUS - how can they get them, if you are patrolling your side of the border, like you should be?? Hmm?
Don't woory though - we've got idiots on our side as well ...
Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) was on the program discussing the tariffs .... in fact, he's the one which has dubbed it "Trump's Super Bowl Tax" .... and according to him the price of avocadoes, tomatoes, beer from Mexico are all going to go UP in price ...
Sir - Avocadoes and Tomatoes were already up in price .... long gone are tomatoes for 99cent/lb. and I don't like avacados anyhow, so phfb .... fut BEER??? Who the heck drinks beer from MEXICO??????
I guess you are showing just how froo froo and posh YOU ARE .... I grew up in a time when Pabst, Miller, Hamms, and Coors were the Kings of beer, and ALL made in the USA .... no one is going to be hurting because of a beer shortage.
Now - prices have been going up as it is .... did you know a 2-liter bottle of soda cost $2 now when it's on sale?? But the cheap stuff is still only $1/2-ltrs on sale .... and you can always frind the 3-ltr bottles at the Dollar Tree as well for only $1.25!!!!!!
The main question by Margaret whatever-her-last-name-is, was about Virginian made WINE and how the tariffs are going to effect the SALES of wine ...
Wait, what??
Are you saying that they can't sell their wine in he USA, so they have to sell it to Canada? She was specifically speaking about Trudeau ... or perhaps they are getting the grapes from Canada? It just doesn't make any sense!
People are hitting the panic buttons way too soon ... and the oher countries are totally enjoying it ....
If you don't think that Trudeau, who has already RESIGNED, and is just waiting to leave while dragging his feet/anchor .... isn't going to get a swollen head from this .... you . are. wrong.
He is like the Head CHeerleader, who thinks she will be Homecoming Queen, date the cutest guy, marry rich, and be a "kept" woman .... he thinks it's all DUE him, and this is simply one more feather in his cap - IF Americans believe the tripe!
I am actually glad to see that the Northern Border is being held responsible too ....
For way too many years, the Dems have kept the spotlight on the southern border - and then pointing the finger at the otherside saying "that's racist to think they can going get through here" ....
Sigh ....
I've said it before, and I'll say it again ....
Politics is interesting to watch .... but you have to PAY ATTENTION ....
Why are we paying them again???
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