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Sunday, February 02, 2025


Yup - you read that correctly .... there's a major system down, but you'll have to wait on the news about that ...

As of 10am this morning (Fox News Sunday) there have been 42 bodies recovered so far from the Potomac River in DC from the Black Hawk/American Airlines plane crash ... 25 people are still missing, but they aren't finished yet.
Black boxes, have been recovered - 2 from the airplane - although it sounds like one had some water in it so they aren't sure how much data will be recovered - and one from the Black Hawk ..

They have also begun to pull out wreckage - but they have found at least one section of the plane with bodies still inside ...
So they are taking it slow .... out of both respect for those who were lost, and to preserve whatever evidence might be on board.

So far the data shows that the AA plane was at 325ft ... while the helicopter was at 200 ft in the air .... the NTSB can not explain the discrepancy .... if this had been "true", then they should have had enough distance between them - although close - some 125 ft. between hem ....

When asked if "race or gender played a role in the crash" ... what a "gotcha" question! ... to which Trump said "it may have, I don't know" - and that's where most of the networks stop his response, but Fox News Sunday put in the entire response - "un, incompetence might have played a role" ....
Those few extra words change the entire meaning of what he said, doesn't it?  You've gotta hear it ALL, not just a clip ...

Two out of the three landing strips at Reagan International are closed right no - so air traffic doesn't interfer with the recovery efforts going on.

The Philly Plane crash ... well, that's a bit trickier.

So far they have declared 7 lives lost - 6 from the plane, and 1 on the ground ... likely this number will change as time goes on.
I know that on the night of the crash, there had been a report of a body found in a car - it may not be related to the crash, but at the time, it was not made clear - and everyone was a tad busy, so there wasn't any follow up of it..

There were at least 19 injuries on the ground after the crash as well far - it is likely that there are others who have not reported in yet.

Now the system problems ....

OVERNIGHT - last night, by the sounds of it - a major system used for ATC (Air Traffic Control) went ofline .... Notice to Air Mission (last administration changed it from "Notice to Airmen" because of their gender ideology, according to Sean Duffy, Sec. of Transportation) ... it sounds like it was not expected to do so - but Duffy said "it was old, antiquated, needs a new upgrade"

It seems that this is NOT the first time it has gone down, either!!!  In fact, it is the 2nd time in 2 years ... yikes!

It is the MAIN WARNING SYSTEM to pilo's of danger in the air - such as another aircraft too close ...

Now I wonder if .... and that's a big IF .... this may have had something to do with the BH/AA crash in DC?

Remember, there was supposably a 150 ft difference between the two craft!

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