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Monday, March 03, 2025


 "Just finished a meeting with President Zelensky, he confirmed that the Ukranian people will not suppor a fake peace agreement where Putin gets everything he wants and thee are no securiy arrangements for Ukraine. "

So - who said this???

Why - its none other than Democrat Chris Murphy .... who posted it shortly after Zelensky got kicked out of the White House!

He is from the state of CT ... and has been in office since 2013 .... I had never heard of him berfore - and in 2 days, I've heard of him twice.

Once on Faulkner Focus (FNC) and one on Meet the Press (CBS) where he was there yapping about how Trump has turned his back on the nation ..... forgetting that he is NOT President of the "World" but rather just of he USA ....

Makes me scratch my head and wonder how did he find out this was going to happen?

How did Murphy know? 

The meeting started out right - but somewhere in the middle, he ticked Vance off .... maybe he rolled his eyes , or shook his head one time too often ....

But - there was a time where President Joe Biden - never hought his name would come up agains, but here we are - yelled at him too for the exact same hing!

First - Vance, should never have made fun of what he wore .... the man is in the middle of a war, for God's sake! Maybe, he doesn't have the funds at the moment for a suit ....

Secondly, dude, you should have waited unil AFTER the signing of the contract to speak out in such a manner.

Finally, Mr. Trump - can we keep Vance away from these kinds of meetings from now on????

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