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Saturday, March 01, 2025


You likely have seen the dust up between Zelensky and President Trump .... which was actually started by Vance, btw - but you won't hear about that part on any of the network news programs ..... if I can find a clip of it, I will attach it here.

It started as a meeting between Ukraine and the Whie House to sign a deal giving the USA "Rare Mineral RIghts" in Ukraine, to pay back all that money we gave them .... doesn't even cover the price of the missles.

My understanding was, everything was good - they just needed to sit and sign the paperwork.

They decided to have a pre-signing presser .... everyone were sitting in chairs in front of the fireplace ....

Mr. Trump was speaking, when Zelensky spoke over him -Zelensky was concerned, to be soft, about there not being anything in the agreement about preventing Russia from invading again.

Trump tried to tell him that this wasn't about that .... Zelensky said that there is a whole ocean between the USA and RUssia - less than that sir - so we didn't know how it feels, but we would soon know.

Well, that kicked it off - Mr. Trump told him not to tell us how we should feel ....and then he began to speak to the press again .... and Zelensky rolled his eyes once too often for Vance to hold his tongue anylonger!!!!

He told Zelensky that he didn't seem thankful .... that he never once said "Thank you" for all that the US has done to help them ....

Trump backed Vance up -- and some how it got to the point in which Trump told Zelensky that he wasn't holding any cards - a poker reference - apparently metaphors/similes are not Zelensky's strong point (more on this later) ....

Zelensky said he wasn't playing cards - now mind you, the Ukrainian ambassador to the US was sitting right there, holding her head in disbelief - well, that ended the presser right there ....

Press was kicked out of the room, and, in general, the seperate parties would have gone into seperate rooms to calm down, and gather themselves ....

But, something must have happened - I'm going to guess something else was said after the press left ... because zelensky got kicked out of the WHite House!!

He went on to do an interview with Bret Baer/Special Report (FNC) .... 

In the interview, he kept saying he was very grateful and thankful for all that America has done for his nation.

In fact, Thank you was the biggest phrase in the interview - I'm going to guess that the ambassador straightened him out ....

at the end of the interview, he was asked if the talks could be salvaged .... to which a translator could be heard explaining what it meant from off set.

It had to be an explaination - it lasted way longer than what was asked.

We will have to see where things go from here.

I cannot see Mr. Trump supporting Russia, he might admire Putin for his style, but I just can't see him giving any real support behind him.

We will have to keep an eye on things ......

I'm going to guess the Atomic Clock is going to be set to 2 seconds now.

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