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Saturday, October 20, 2007

This is where my degree comes into play..l

2nd-grader suspended for drawing of gun - Yahoo! News

I have to tell you...with all the stories in the news lately kids have GOT to express their feelings about it....a second grader can not express their feelings like adults....they can not say they are scared/worried that something like this could happen in their school the same way an adult can.

Play therapy is an accepted form of child communication....this includes doodles. By forcing our kids to not even draw about guns we are causing them to repress their feelings which ultimately will be more determental to them.

Besides, what child hasn't passed a drawing of this sort to their friend? I think what we have here is a mother who draw to work things out. I think she needed to speak to her own kid in a very offhanded manner to find out what the story was about.

Heck my daughter's best friend drew stories about Roger Rabbit and I found one that depicted her in bed with Roger's brother and she had Roger shooting him....does this mean that she is having sex with a rabbit and its brother?? Of course not---it was just her way of dealing with her immerging sexual feelings.

No...this poor kid. Not only will he get the day's suspension....he will probably also be forced by the distri ct or the courts to attend therapy to find out where his "violent tendencies" come from---OH PLEASE!!

People....let's think things thru before we jump the, so to speak.

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